A Review and Prospects on Collaborative Ontology Editing Tools |
XIAN Guo-jian, ZHAO Rui-xue
Agricultural Information Institution, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China |
摘要 Building ontology is a fundamental but also hard work. Collaborative ontology editing tools can make ontology development more efficiently. In this paper, the important features of collaborative ontology development were analyzed, and several tools such as AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench (ACSW), Collaborative Protégé and WebProtégé were studied. Besides, some comparisons among them from several aspects were made and some prospects for the further improvement of these tools were given. Finally, we show it is a good way to build agricultural ontology with these tools collaboratively and simultaneously.
Abstract Building ontology is a fundamental but also hard work. Collaborative ontology editing tools can make ontology development more efficiently. In this paper, the important features of collaborative ontology development were analyzed, and several tools such as AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench (ACSW), Collaborative Protégé and WebProtégé were studied. Besides, some comparisons among them from several aspects were made and some prospects for the further improvement of these tools were given. Finally, we show it is a good way to build agricultural ontology with these tools collaboratively and simultaneously.
Received: 28 June 2011
Fund: This project was supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China (2011BAH10B06). |
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Correspondence ZHAO Rui-xue, E-mail: zhaorx@mail.caas.net.cn
E-mail: zhaorx@mail.caas.net.cn
About author: XIAN Guo-jian, E-mail: xgj@mail.caas.net.cn; |
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XIAN Guo-jian, ZHAO Rui-xue.
A Review and Prospects on Collaborative Ontology Editing Tools. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 731-740.
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