Special Issue:
动物医学合辑Veterninary Medicine
Detection of arboviruses in Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) collected from animal farms in the border areas of Yunnan Province, China |
DI Di1, LI Chen-xi1, LI Zong-jie1, WANG Xin1, XIA Qi-qi1, Mona SHARMA1, LI Bei-bei1, LIU Ke1, SHAO Dong-hua1, QIU Ya-feng1, Soe-Soe WAI3, YANG Shi-biao2, WEI Jian-chao1, MA Zhi-yong1 |
1 Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 200241, P.R.China
2 Yunnan Tropical and Subtropical Animal Virus Diseases Laboratory, Yunnan Animal Science and Veterinary Institute, Kunming 650224, P.R.China
3 Department of Veterinary Public Health, University of Veterinary Science, Yezin 15013, Myanmar |
本研究对云南省边境地区5个县的7个养殖场库蠓的种类、丰度及携带的虫媒病毒进行了调查,结果表明,共采集到7个不同种的库蠓405只,具体丰度为: 荒川库蠓 (5.43%,22/405),原野库蠓 (1.23%,5/405),不显库蠓 (19.75%,80/405),东方库蠓 (17.28%,70/405),尖喙库蠓 (29.38%,119/405),异域库蠓 (5.68%,23/405) 和日本库蠓 (21.23%,86/405)。其中,尖喙库蠓和日本库蠓的丰度分别为13.33%-44.87%和10.00%-46.83%,表明它们是边境地区养殖场中优势库蠓。采用PCR对采集的库蠓样品进行了蓝舌病毒、流行性乙型脑炎病毒、登革病毒、寨卡病毒、非洲猪瘟病毒和非洲马瘟病毒等主要虫媒病毒进行了检测,仅在云南腾冲县一个水牛养殖场采集的丰度最高的尖喙库蠓中检测出BTV-1,国内尚未发现相关报道。上述结果表明,尖喙库蠓可能是这些边境地区BTV传播的重要媒介,这尚待进一步的研究证实。总体而言,本研究调查了中越缅三国边境地区养殖场库蠓种类及库蠓携带虫媒病毒的情况,为我国边境地区库蠓与BTV防控提供了基础数据。
Abstract Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (order Diptera, family Ceratopogonidae) are potential biological vectors for the transmission of certain arboviruses among humans, livestock, and wild animals. This study collected a total of 405 Culicoides individuals from seven animal farms located in five counties in the border areas of Yunnan Province, China, and examined the Culicoides species composition and the major arboviruses carried by the Culicoides species. The collected Culicoides were classified into seven species with variable abundances: Culicoides arakawae (5.43%, 22/405), Culicoides homotomus (1.23%, 5/405), Culicoides obsoletus (19.75%, 80/405), Culicoides orientalis (17.28%, 70/405), Culicoides oxystoma (29.38%, 119/405), Culicoides peregrinus (5.68%, 23/405), and Culicoides nipponensis (21.23%, 86/405). Among the seven species, C. oxystoma and C. nipponensis were distributed in all the five counties with abundances of 13.33–44.87% and 10.00–46.83%, respectively, suggesting that these were the dominant species of Culicoides widespread on animal farms in the border areas. PCR was used to detect major arboviruses in the collected Culicoides specimens, including bluetongue virus (BTV), Japanese encephalitis virus, Dengue virus, Zika virus, African swine fever virus, and African horse sickness virus. Among the tested viruses, only BTV serotype 1 was tested positive in C. oxystoma specimens collected from a buffalo farm. Culicoides oxystoma was the dominant species on animal farms in the sampled areas, but it has not previously been documented as positive for BTV in China. The current results thus suggest that C. oxystoma could be an important vector for BTV transmission in these border areas, which, however, needs to be confirmed by further comprehensive experiments. Overall, the present study provides the first profile of Culicoides species on animal farms in the China, Vietnam, and Myanmar border areas, establishes the prevalence of arboviruses carried by these Culicoides species, and suggests the vector potential of C. oxystoma species for the transmission of BTV.
Received: 23 July 2020
Fund: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0501805), the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (19ZR1469000), the Shanghai Science and Technology Development Funds (17391901600), and the Project of International Science and Technology Cooperation, China (2014DFE30140). |
Corresponding Authors:
Correspondence MA Zhi-yong, Tel: +86-21-34293139, E-mail: zhiyongma@shvri.ac.cn; WEI Jian-chao, E-mail: jianchaowei@shvri.ac.cn; YANG Shi-biao, E-mail: yangsb3799@sina.com
About author: DI Di, Tel: +86-21-34293635, Fax: +86-21-54081818, E-mail: didi950713@outlook.com; |
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DI Di, LI Chen-xi, LI Zong-jie, WANG Xin, XIA Qi-qi, Mona SHARMA, LI Bei-bei, LIU Ke, SHAO Dong-hua, QIU Ya-feng, Soe-Soe WAI, YANG Shi-biao, WEI Jian-chao, MA Zhi-yong.
Detection of arboviruses in Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) collected from animal farms in the border areas of Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(9): 2491-2501.
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