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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2023, Vol. 22 Issue (6): 1847-1856    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.04.001
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Dietary aflatoxin B1 induces abnormal deposition of melanin in the corium layer of the chicken shank possibly via promoting the expression of melanin synthesis-related genes

WANG Yong-li1*, HUANG Chao2*, YU Yang2*, CAI Ri-chun2, SU Yong-chun2, CHEN Zhi-wu2, ZHENG Mai-qing1#, CUI Huan-xian1#

1 State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R.China

2 Guangxi Jinling Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group Co., Ltd., Nanning 530049, P.R.China

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随后,进一步的结果表明,与正常的AFB1含量(<10μg kg-1)相比,高浓度的AFB1>170μg kg-1)确实诱导了小腿胫部的异常皮肤颜色与黑色素沉积相关的MC1REDN3基因显著上调(P<0.01),酪氨酸酶(TyR)的含量和活性显著增加(P<0.05)。同时,L-DOPA的含量和黑色素沉积也显著增加(P<0.01)。这也证实了过量AFB1对小腿皮肤黑色素沉积的影响。进一步的实验结果表明,AFB1对小腿皮肤黑色素沉积的负面影响可能会持续更长时间,不易消除。总之,本研究的结果解释了鸡小腿中异常AFB1相关青胫的发生及其可能机制。饲粮中过量的AFB1可能通过促进TyR含量和活性以及黑色素合成相关基因的表达,增加了鸡小腿中的L-DOPA含量和黑色素异常沉积。我们的研究结果有助于再次预警肉鸡生产中黄曲霉毒素B1危害


San-Huang chicken is a high-quality breed in China with yellow feather, claw and break.  However, the abnormal phenomenon of the yellow shank turning into green shank of San-Huang chicken has been a concern, as it seriously reduces the carcass quality and economic benefit of yellow-feathered broilers.  In this study, the cause of this abnormal green skin in shank was systematically investigated.  Physiological anatomy revealed that the abnormal skin in shank was primarily due to the deposition of melanin under the dermis.  After analyzing multiple potential causes such as heredity (pedigree and genetic markers), environment (water quality monitoring) and feed composition (mycotoxin detection), excessive aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in feed was screened, accompanied with a higher L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (L-DOPA) (P<0.05) and melanin content (P<0.01).  So it was speculated that excessive AFB1 might be the main cause of abnormal green skin in shank.  Subsequently, the further results showed that a high concentration of AFB1 (>170 μg kg–1) indeed induced the abnormal green skin in shank compared to the normal AFB1 content (<10 μg kg–1), and the mRNA levels of TYR, TYRP1, MITE, MC1R and EDN3 genes related to melanin deposition would significantly up-regulate (P<0.01) and the content and activity of tyrosinase (TyR) significantly increased (P<0.05).  At the same time, the content of L-DOPA and melanin deposition also increased significantly (P<0.01), which also confirmed the effect of excessive AFB1 on melanin deposition in skin of shank.  Results of additional experiments revealed that the AFB1’s negative effect on melanin deposition in skin of shank could last for a longer time.  Taken together, the results of this study explained the occurrence and possible mechanisms of the abnormal AFB1-related green skin in shank of chickens.  Excessive AFB1 in diets increased the L-DOPA content and melanin abnormal deposition in the chicken shank possibly via promoting TyR content and activity, and the expression of melanin synthesis-related genes.  Furthermore, our findings once again raised the alarm of the danger of AFB1 in the broiler production.

Keywords:  Aflatoxin B1       Melanin deposition        Skin color in shank        Chicken        Negative effect  
Received: 18 January 2022   Online: 15 April 2023   Accepted: 26 July 2022
Fund: This research was funded by the grants from the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS-41) and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program, China (ASTIP-IAS04).
About author:  WANG Yong-li, E-mail:; HUANG Chao, E-mail:; YU Yang, E-mail:; #Correspondence CUI Huan-xian, E-mail:; ZHENG Mai-qing, E-mail: * These authors contributed equally to this study. *These authors have contributed equally to this work.

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WANG Yong-li, HUANG Chao, YU Yang, CAI Ri-chun, SU Yong-chun, CHEN Zhi-wu, ZHENG Maiqing, CUI Huan-xian. 2023.

Dietary aflatoxin B1 induces abnormal deposition of melanin in the corium layer of the chicken shank possibly via promoting the expression of melanin synthesis-related genes . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(6): 1847-1856.

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