Adoption of HPAI biosecurity measures: The Chinese broiler industry |
HUANG Ze-ying1, Adam Loch2, Christopher Findlay3, WANG Ji-min1 |
1 Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2 Centre for Global Food and Resources, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, South Australia
3 Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, South Australia |
Abstract Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) contamination via wild birds and rodents poses a threat to food security and safety. As chicken meat comprises an increasing proportion of diet in China, it is useful to determine whether broiler farmers are adopting wild bird and rodent controls to minimize the risk of HPAI impacts on food supply. Our study surveyed a cross sectional sample of 331 Chinese broiler farmers in six provinces. We find that only 47% of farmers (mainly farmers with large herds) adopted control measures against wild birds and rodents, while 14% adopted no measures. Farm size was the biggest driver of adoption followed by proportion of farm revenue derived from broiler production. However, southern farmers were at a far greater probability of non-adoption. We suggest that assistance in the form of education/training programs and subsidized traps or baiting controls across smaller producers could help raise of the adoption level toward more effective HPAI control.
Received: 06 September 2016
Online: 14 November 2016
Corresponding Authors:
Adam Loch, Tel: +61-8-83139131, E-mail: adam.loch@adelaide.edu.au
About author: HUANG Ze-ying, E-mail: 569373896@qq.com |
Cite this article:
HUANG Ze-ying, Adam Loch, Christopher Findlay, WANG Ji-min.
Adoption of HPAI biosecurity measures: The Chinese broiler industry. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(01): 181-189.
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