Design and Implementation of the ZH/EN Bilingual Retrieval System Based on the CAT/AGROVOC Mapping |
SUN Wei, Ahsan Morshed, Johannes Keizer, Stefano Anibald, LI Nan, LIU Jia-yi |
1.Institute of Agriculture Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
2.Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 00153, Italy |
摘要 For the users’ convenience of accessing the AGRIS resources quickly and using them fully, the paper decomposes the structure of AGRIS Search net, analyzes the users’ requirement met for conducting a bilingual (ZH/EN) retrieval, the system function extensions based on AGRIS English retrieval system and the key issues which the core function module should resolve. Derived by the application requirement, the paper also puts forward to a bilingual retrieval model on the basis of CAT/AGROVOC mapping, designs and realizes the ZH/EN bilingual retrieval prototype system.
Abstract For the users’ convenience of accessing the AGRIS resources quickly and using them fully, the paper decomposes the structure of AGRIS Search net, analyzes the users’ requirement met for conducting a bilingual (ZH/EN) retrieval, the system function extensions based on AGRIS English retrieval system and the key issues which the core function module should resolve. Derived by the application requirement, the paper also puts forward to a bilingual retrieval model on the basis of CAT/AGROVOC mapping, designs and realizes the ZH/EN bilingual retrieval prototype system.
Received: 28 June 2010
Fund: The paper subsidized by the 2010 Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Foundation, China (10211). |
Corresponding Authors:
Correspondence SUN Wei, E-mail: sunwei@caas.net.cn; ZHANG Xue-fu, E-mail: zhangxf@caas.net.cn
E-mail: sunwei@caas.net.cn
About author: SUN Wei, E-mail: sunwei@caas.net.cn; ZHANG Xue-fu, E-mail: zhangxf@caas.net.cn |
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SUN Wei, Ahsan Morshed, Johannes Keizer, Stefano Anibald, LI Nan, LIU Jia-yi .
Design and Implementation of the ZH/EN Bilingual Retrieval System Based on the CAT/AGROVOC Mapping. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(5): 823-830.
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