中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (19): 3854-3861.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.19.014

• 畜牧·兽医 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江苏省家禽科学研究所,江苏扬州 225125
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-22 接受日期:2022-03-09 出版日期:2022-10-01 发布日期:2022-10-10
  • 通讯作者: 曲亮
  • 作者简介:郭军,Tel:0514-85599012;E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Indirect Genetic Effects on Body Weight of 42 Day-Old Rugao Yellow Chickens

GUO Jun(),WANG KeHua,HAN Wei,DOU TaoCun,WANG XingGuo,HU YuPing,MA Meng,QU Liang()   

  1. Jiangsu Institute of Poultry Sciences, Yangzhou 225125, Jiangsu
  • Received:2021-12-22 Accepted:2022-03-09 Online:2022-10-01 Published:2022-10-10
  • Contact: Liang QU


【目的】动物个体遗传物质除了调控自身表型之外,还通过资源分配或行为互动影响同伴性能表现,称之为间接遗传效应。畜禽选育时,遗传模型如果包含了间接遗传效应,不仅有利于改善个体间社会关系,还可以获得更多的遗传进展。研究以饲养于群体笼内如皋黄鸡为试材,以间接遗传模型评估体重数据,旨在为如皋黄鸡选育提供支持。【方法】体重数据采集自如皋黄鸡选育群体,试验鸡于42日龄称重,收集原始数据11 983条。数据清洗包括去除超出三倍标准差的离群值、去除翅号遗失个体、去除性别不明个体以及去除单笼养殖量少于4只的记录。系谱数据包含12 208只鸡:11 735只鸡有体重记录,473只鸡没有体重记录;10 560只鸡没有后代,1 648只鸡有后代,其中种公鸡208只,种母鸡1 440只。以SPSS软件中的单因素方差分析检验环境因素对体重的影响,确定列入固定效应的因子。应用经典动物模型、间接遗传模型分析如皋黄鸡早期体重方差组分及遗传参数,并检验间接遗传方差是否存在稀释效应。遗传模型中包括一般固定效应、固定回归项、加性遗传效应、间接遗传效应、共同环境效应以及残差。研究中,以单笼养殖量作为固定回归项,将加性遗传效应、间接遗传效应、共同环境效应列为随机项。稀释参数起始值设定为0,依次以0.1幅度递增至1.0,经AIC、BIC筛选,稀释参数宜设定为0。由于残差异质化处理没有改变遗传参数和方差组分,因此残差做同质化处理。以WOMBAT软件分析方差组分及遗传参数,计算结果达到收敛标准。【结果】影响如皋黄鸡体重的固定效应包括批次、层级、性别;42日龄如皋黄鸡体重受间接遗传效应影响,加性遗传力为0.54±0.02,总遗传力为0.66±0.06;同笼如皋黄鸡个体间以互助关系为主,加性遗传与间接遗传选择方向一致,遗传相关系数为0.41;育成期如皋黄鸡间接遗传方差不存在稀释效应;如皋黄鸡公鸡与母鸡间接遗传效应表现不同,遗传力、遗传相关系数也存在明显差异。【结论】间接遗传模型可用于蛋鸡早期体重遗传评估及选育。相比于传统动物模型,间接遗传模型可以额外获得遗传进展。

关键词: 如皋黄鸡, 遗传力, 间接遗传效应, 体重, 互助行为


【Background】 In addition to regulating its own phenotype, the genotype of an individual animal also affects the performance of other animals within a social group through resource allocation or behavioral interaction, and this phenomenon is called an indirect genetic effect. In the animal breeding, if the genetic model harbored the indirect genetic effects, it will not only improve the social relationship between individuals, but also obtain more genetic gains. 【Objective】 In this study, Rugao Yellow Chickens raised in group cages were used as the test animals, and the indirect genetic model was used to evaluate body weight data, aiming to provide a flexible model to select the Rugao Yellow Chickens. 【Method】The body weight data was collected from the breeding group of Rugao Yellow Chickens. The fowls were weighed at the age of 42 days-old, and 11 983 raw data were collected. The data cleaning procedure included: i. removing outlier beyond three standard deviations either side of the mean; ii. eliminate the fowl without marker; iii. get rid of unknown sexed fowls; iv. the fowls with less than 4 records within a social group were also excluded. The pedigree data consisted of 12 208 fowls, including 11 735 chickens with body weight records and 473 chickens without records, 10 560 chickens without progeny and 1 648 with progeny, and the progeny of them included 208 male breeders and 1 440 female breeders. With SPSS software packages, ANOVA was used to test the influence of environmental factors on body weight and determine the factors included in the fixed effects. The classic animal model and indirect genetic model were used to analyze the variance components and genetic parameters of Rugao Yellow Chickens, and to test whether there was a dilution effect on the indirect genetic variance. The genetic model included the general fixed effects, fixed regression terms, additive genetic effects, indirect genetic effects, common environmental effects and residuals. In this study, the fixed regression term included cage sizes, and random terms included additive genetic effects, indirect genetic effects and common environmental effects. The initial value of the dilution parameter was set to 0, and it was step increased to 1.0 in increments of 0.1. After evaluating with AIC and BIC standard, the dilution parameter should be set to 0. Accounting for heterogeneous errors did not alter the estimates of genetic parameters and variance components. Therefore, the homogeneous error was assumed. Using WOMBAT software, estimates of variance components and genetic parameters converged for both classic and indirect genetic models (with or without dilution effect). 【Result】The fixed effects included the combination of laying batch-row-sex level. The significant indirect genetic variance for body weight of 42-day-old Rugao Yellow Chickens was found, for the additive heritability was 0.54±0.02, and the total heritable variation was 0.66±0.06. The corporation relationship between individuals presented in the same cage of Rugao Yellow Chickens. The direction of additive genetic and indirect genetic selection was the same, and the genetic correlation coefficient was 0.41. There was no dilution effect in the indirect genetic variance of Rugao Yellow Chickens. The indirect genetic variances were distinguished between sexes, and so on heritability and genetic correlation coefficient. 【Conclusion】Indirect genetic model could be used for the genetic evaluation and selection of body weight during the rearing period. Compared with those classic animal models, the indirect genetic models could achieve an additional genetic gain.

Key words: Rugao Yellow Chickens, heritability, indirect genetic effect, body weight, cooperation behavior