中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (3): 503-513.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.03.007
张晋龙,E-mail: 基金资助:
摘要: 目的 由丁香假单胞菌猕猴桃致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae,Psa)引起的猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病是全球猕猴桃产业最具毁灭性的病害。病原细菌主要通过III型分泌系统(type III secretion system,T3SS)将多种效应蛋白(T3SS effector,T3SE)注入寄主植物细胞,进而促进病菌侵染和致病。本研究旨在解析Psa基因组中T3SE的信息并对其T3SS和T3SE的致病功能进行系统分析,为溃疡病菌致病机制的研究和防治策略的制定提供依据。方法 利用marker-free同源重组基因敲除技术获得M228菌株的T3SS功能缺陷突变体ΔhrcS和ΔhrcC,观察突变体在寄主上的致病力,同时检测突变体诱导本氏烟产生细胞坏死的情况;随后利用从Pseudomonas-Plant Interaction数据库下载的T3SE数据库,本地BLAST多序列比对构建强、弱致病菌株M228和M227的T3SE库,并对二者的T3SE基因信息进行比对分析;另外,获得M228菌株T3SE单、多效应子突变菌株20株及2株HopR1基因回补菌株(共涉及19个T3SE),并将各突变体室内有伤接菌猕猴桃枝条,系统评价各突变体致病力变化并进行统计分析。结果 通过对Psa的hrcS和hrcC基因进行突变,证明T3SS是其在寄主上致病以及非寄主上过敏性坏死反应(HR)所必需的。通过数据库同源比对,发现在强毒株系和弱毒株系中有31个T3SE基因具有100%的同源性,选取一些基因进行缺失突变,发现hopM1/avrE1和hopR1是Psa重要的毒性因子,且二者不存在功能冗余。另外,单独敲除avrPto5或avrRpm1均能提高Psa致病力。在缺失A-F-E基因簇和avrPto5的菌株中,敲除hopM1/avrE1和hopR1也分别导致Psa的致病力显著下降;而同时敲除hopM1/avrE1、hopR1、avrPto5和A-F-E基因簇导致病菌完全丧失致病力。结论HopM1/AvrE1与同家族HopR1均为Psa重要致病因子,且独立于其他效应子发挥作用;avrPto5和avrRpm1基因缺失可以增强Psa的致病力。
张晋龙,赵志博,刘巍,黄丽丽. 猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病菌T3SS关键效应蛋白基因致病功能[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(3): 503-513.
ZHANG JinLong,ZHAO ZhiBo,LIU Wei,HUANG LiLi. The Function of Key T3SS Effectors in Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(3): 503-513.
突变体名称 The name of mutants | 详细信息 Related detail information |
ΔhrcC | T3SS结构基因hrcC功能缺陷突变体 hrcC-deletion generating the T3SS-deficient mutant |
ΔhrcS | T3SS结构基因hrcS功能缺陷突变体hrcS-deletion generating the T3SS-deficient mutant |
ΔO | T3SE hopM1/avrE1缺失突变体T3SE hopM1/avrE1-deletion mutant |
ΔM | T3SE hopR1缺失突变体T3SE hopR1-deletion mutant |
ΔOM | T3SE hopM1/avrE1+hopR1缺失突变体T3SE hopR1-deletion mutant based on ΔO background |
ΔMO | T3SE hopR1+hopM1/avrE1缺失突变体T3SE hopM1/avrE1-deletion mutant based on ΔM background |
ΔM-C-hopR1 | T3SE hopR1突变体基础上回补hopR1的回补菌株T3SE hopR1-complement mutant based on ΔM background |
ΔOM-C-hopR1 | T3SE hopR1+hopM1/AvrE1突变体基础上回补hopR1的回补菌株T3SE hopR1-complement mutant based on ΔOM background |
ΔA | |
ΔF | |
ΔE | |
ΔAF | |
ΔAFE | |
ΔAFEL | 在ΔAFE突变体的背景下敲除avrPto5获得突变体avrPto5-deletion mutant based on ΔAFE background |
ΔAFELM | 在ΔAFEL突变体的背景下敲除hopR1获得突变体hopR1-deletion mutant based on ΔAFEL background |
ΔAFELO | 在ΔAFEL突变体的背景下敲除hopM1/avrE1获得突变体hopM1/avrE1-deletion mutant based on ΔAFEL background |
ΔAFELOM | 在ΔAFEL突变体的背景下同时敲除hopM1/avrE1和hopR1获得突变体 hopM1/avrE1- and hopR1-deletion mutant based on ΔAFEL background |
ΔOMN | 在ΔOM突变体基础上敲除avrRpm1获得突变体avrRpm1-deletion mutant based on ΔOM background |
Psa M228和M227菌株的T3SE库"
位置 Locus | T3SE | ICMP 18884 | 伴侣分子 Chaperon | M228 | M227 | 基因敲除标识符 Symbol of gene deletion | ||
HopY1 | IYO_000845 | |||||||
Cluster A | HopQ1 | IYO_003525 | A | |||||
HopD1 | IYO_003530 | |||||||
AvrD1 | IYO_003570 | |||||||
AvrB4-l | IYO_003600 | |||||||
HopAYl | IYO_003610 | |||||||
HopX3 | IYO_003635 | ShcF | ||||||
HopAW1 | IYO_003657 | |||||||
HopBB1-2 | IYO_003675 | ShcF | ||||||
HopAF1 | IYO_003680 | |||||||
HopAO2 | IYO_003720 | |||||||
HopBB1-1 | IYO_003727 | ShcF | ||||||
HopS2 | IYO_004052 | ShcS2 | ||||||
HopI1 | IYO_005160 | |||||||
CEL/Cluster O | HopN1 | IYO_006735 | ShcN | |||||
HopAA1-1 | IYO_006745 | |||||||
HopM1 | IYO_006760 | ShcM | O | |||||
AvrE1 | IYO_006770 | ShcE | ||||||
AvrRpm1 | IYO_008065 | N | ||||||
Cluster E | HopZ5 | IYO_008282 | E | |||||
HopH1 | IYO_008285 | |||||||
HopAM1-2 | IYO_008385 | |||||||
HopAE1 | IYO_012225 | |||||||
HopAZ1 | IYO_018555 | |||||||
AvrPto5 | IYO_020425 | L | ||||||
HonAM1-1 | IYO_023205 | |||||||
Cluster F | HopAI1 | IYO_023980 | F | |||||
HopAH1 | IYO_023985 | |||||||
HopAG1 | IYO_023990 | |||||||
Cluster M | HopR1 | IYO_024150 | M | |||||
HopW1 | IYO_024160 | |||||||
HopF2 | IYO_024217 | ShcF | ||||||
HopAS1 | IYO_027420 | |||||||
HopA1 | IYO_028375 | ShcA | ||||||
HopZ3 | IYO_029045 | Tir | ||||||
AvrRpm2 | IYO_029288 | ShcF | ||||||
Plasmid | HopAV1 | IYO_029710 | ||||||
HopAA1-2 | IYO_029780-795 | |||||||
HopAU1 | IYO_029795 | |||||||
存在的基因 Present | 差异的基因 Variable | 不完整的基因 Incomplete |
Psa的T3SS缺陷突变体不能致病,不能诱导烟草产生HRa:Psa菌株M228及其ΔhrcC、ΔhrcS 突变体接种‘红阳’猕猴桃枝条,2×108 cfu/mL(15 dpi) Psa M228 strain and its T3SS-deficient mutants ΔhrcC, ΔhrcS were inoculated on canes of ‘HongYang’ with 2×108 cfu/mL concentration (15 days post inoculation);b:接种叶盘,上排为‘红阳’猕猴桃叶片,下排为‘翠香’猕猴桃叶片,104 cfu/mL(5 dpi)Leaf discs of ‘HongYang’ (upper) and ‘CuiXiang’ (bottom) with 104 cfu/mL concentration (5 days post inoculation);c:注射本氏烟叶片,108 cfu/mL(2 dpi)N. benthamina leaves with 108 cfu/mL concentration (2 days post inoculation)。每菌株接种至少10个枝条或叶盘,每菌株至少注射3株烟草的3个叶片。试验重复至少2次,得相似结果 For the inoculation, at least 10 canes or leaf discs were used for each strain, and at least three tobacco leaves from three plants were treated with each strain. Experiments were repeated at least twice with similar results"
敲除hopR1导致致病力显著下降a:接种至‘华优’Inoculation on cultivar ‘HuaYou’;b:野生型菌株M228及其hopR1突变体分别接种至‘亚特’‘翠香’和‘华优’M228 and the hopR1 mutant were inoculated on ‘Yate’ ‘CuiXiang’ and ‘HuaYou’。试验至少重复2次,得相似结果Experiments were repeated at least twice with similar results (Student’s t-test or Duncan’s multiple range test, P<0.01)"
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