中国农业科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 110-139.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.01.009
王小彬,E-mail: 基金资助:
WANG XiaoBin(),YAN Xiang(),LI XiuYing
Xiang YAN
畜禽粪污沼液是以畜禽粪污为主要原料,经厌氧发酵产生沼气后的残留液。中国沼气工程建设始于20世纪70年代,随着畜禽养殖业的发展和畜禽粪污厌氧消化技术的推广,畜禽粪污厌氧发酵沼液的产生量随之增大。畜禽粪污沼液属于污水的一种,畜禽粪污厌氧发酵沼液的安全消纳或治理已成为当前中国农业源废弃物污染防治必须要面对和解决的问题。目前,中国畜禽粪污沼液还田消纳作为一种沼液处理的主要方式,即沼液未经过无害化处理而直接还田。然而,由于畜禽粪污中多种有害物质(包括重金属和抗生素类污染物)可在沼液中残留,且大多存在不同程度超出国家水质安全标准,危害农田生态环境安全。本文收集了最近十几年来公开发表的大量文献中的研究数据,分析了猪、牛、鸡饲料和粪污中重金属等污染元素和抗生素的含量,评估了粪污沼液还田对土壤质量、农田水环境和农产品安全的影响。研究结果显示,(1)畜禽粪污沼液存在水质严重超标。如畜禽粪污沼液中检出Hg、Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn和Cl大多超出国家《农田灌溉水质标准》(GB 5084—2005);且超出国家《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-2017)IV-V类水质标准。此外,畜禽粪污沼液中还检出多种抗生素残留,其中以四环素类较其他类抗生素浓度为高,且高出欧盟医药产品评估局(EMEA)规定的水环境抗生素阈值(10 ng·L-1)。(2)畜禽粪污沼液农用存在农地污染风险。如施用沼液的土壤中检出Cd、As、Pb、Ni、Cr、Cu和Zn等均有不同程度超出国家《土壤环境质量—农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(GB 15618—2018)中农用地土壤污染风险筛选值。另有研究报道,连续6年施用沼液的土壤中检出多种抗生素类兽药残留,其中四环素类和喹诺酮类抗生素残留量最高(分别约为3.9和14.3 mg·kg-1),已超过国际兽药协调委员会(VICH)规定的土壤中抗生素残留允许限量(0.1 mg·kg-1)。(3)畜禽粪污沼液农用存在农产品安全风险。如施用沼液的作物中检出多种污染物(如蔬菜中Cd、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn、As和粮食作物中Zn、As等)累积量存在不同程度超出国家《农产品安全质量无公害蔬菜安全要求》(GB/T 18406.1—2001)和《食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762—2017)。鉴于当前畜禽粪污沼液不达标还田利用存在环境安全风险,以致农产品中多种污染物超标,可能对人类健康产生危害,沼液的无害化处理使其达标还田对于确保土壤、水体及农产品安全势在必行。为此,加强沼液中多种污染物的协同去除处理技术的研发和应用,对于确保沼液资源化安全利用具有实际意义。
王小彬, 闫湘, 李秀英. 畜禽粪污厌氧发酵沼液农用之环境安全风险[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(1): 110-139.
WANG XiaoBin, YAN Xiang, LI XiuYing. Environmental Safety Risk for Application of Anaerobic Fermentation Biogas Slurry from Livestock Manure in Agricultural Land in China[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(1): 110-139.
元素 Element in AF | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 超标率 Over limits (%) | GB 13078-2017[ Hygienical standard for feeds (mg·kg-1) | Announcement (No. 2625) [ | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪饲料Pig-AF | |||||||
Hg | 24 | 0-0.311 | 0.032±0.083 | 8.3 | ≤0.1 | [34,38,45-46,52-53] | |
Cd | 155 | 0-55.43 | 3.54±8.74 | 59.4 | ≤0.5 | [9,32,34,36-38,41,43-47,50-54,56,59-60] | |
As | 153 | 0-120.17 | 11.69±17.79 | 62.7 | ≤2 | [32-34,36-38,43-46,52-55,57-58,60] | |
Pb | 144 | 0.01-62.9 | 5.21±9.67 | 20.1 | ≤5 | [32,34-38,40-41,43-47,50-53,56,59-60] | |
Cr | 131 | 0-199.9 | 13.92±22.23 | 58.0/98.5 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,32,34-35,37,43-47,52-56,59-60] |
Ni | 95 | 0.18-29.63 | 5.30±6.48 | [32,37,44-46,50,53,56,59] | |||
Cu | 204 | 0-5600.5 | 210.7±439.8 | 89.7 | ≤25 | [9,16,32-39,41-48,50-57,59-60] | |
Zn | 222 | 15.9-5500 | 577.2±874.1 | 82.9 | ≤120 | [9,16,32-57,59-60] | |
Mn | 55 | 25.3-336 | 121.2±72.2 | 30.9 | ≤150 | [32,36-37,40,42,51,53,59] | |
牛饲料Cattle-AF | |||||||
Hg | 7 | 0-0.03 | 0.009±0.010 | 0.0 | ≤0.1 | [46,52-53] | |
Cd | 21 | 0-23.25 | 2.68±5.58 | 47.6 | ≤0.5 | [9,46,50,52-54] | |
As | 17 | 0-6.12 | 1.01±1.57 | 17.6 | ≤2 | [46,52-54] | |
Pb | 14 | 0.5-14.9 | 5.67±4.22 | 50.0 | ≤5 | [35,46,50,52-53] | |
Cr | 12 | 0.7-30.86 | 11.79±9.17 | 66.7/100 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,35,46,52-53] |
Ni | 8 | 0.33-11.79 | 4.93±3.60 | [46,50,53] | |||
Cu | 24 | 0-281.2 | 45.4±60.8 | 54.2 | ≤25 | [9,35,46,50,52-54] | |
Zn | 36 | 10.3-471.4 | 135.1±134.8 | 33.3 | ≤120 | [9,35,46,49-50,52-54] | |
Mn | 3 | 20.4-268.8 | 124.9±128.8 | 33.3 | ≤150 | [53] | |
鸡饲料Chicken-AF | |||||||
Hg | 8 | 0-0.066 | 0.016±0.023 | 0.0 | ≤0.1 | [46,52-53] | |
Cd | 18 | 0-8.0 | 1.24±2.05 | 44.4 | ≤0.5 | [9,46,52-54,61] | |
As | 20 | 0-11.2 | 1.62±2.80 | 20.0 | ≤2 | [46,52-54,61] | |
Pb | 14 | 0.02-34.5 | 7.10±9.00 | 50.0 | ≤5 | [35,46,52-53,61] | |
Cr | 24 | 0-936.45 | 88.64±212.38 | 70.8/83.3 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,35,46,52-54,61] |
Ni | 8 | 0.02-91.8 | 14.87±31.36 | [46,53,61] | |||
Cu | 24 | 2.86-458.7 | 56.48±97.25 | 45.8 | ≤25 | [9,35,46,52-54,61] | |
Zn | 42 | 5.6-594.8 | 148.2±119.0 | 52.4 | ≤120 | [9,35,46,49,52-54,61] | |
Mn | 6 | 52.6-726.7 | 300.9±262.3 | 66.7 | ≤150 | [53,61] |
元素 Element in AF | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 超标率 Over limits (%) | GB 13078-2017[ Hygienical standard for feeds (mg·kg-1) | Announcement (No. 2625) [ | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪饲料Pig-AF | |||||||
Hg | 24 | 0-0.311 | 0.032±0.083 | 8.3 | ≤0.1 | [34,38,45-46,52-53] | |
Cd | 155 | 0-55.43 | 3.54±8.74 | 59.4 | ≤0.5 | [9,32,34,36-38,41,43-47,50-54,56,59-60] | |
As | 153 | 0-120.17 | 11.69±17.79 | 62.7 | ≤2 | [32-34,36-38,43-46,52-55,57-58,60] | |
Pb | 144 | 0.01-62.9 | 5.21±9.67 | 20.1 | ≤5 | [32,34-38,40-41,43-47,50-53,56,59-60] | |
Cr | 131 | 0-199.9 | 13.92±22.23 | 58.0/98.5 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,32,34-35,37,43-47,52-56,59-60] |
Ni | 95 | 0.18-29.63 | 5.30±6.48 | [32,37,44-46,50,53,56,59] | |||
Cu | 204 | 0-5600.5 | 210.7±439.8 | 89.7 | ≤25 | [9,16,32-39,41-48,50-57,59-60] | |
Zn | 222 | 15.9-5500 | 577.2±874.1 | 82.9 | ≤120 | [9,16,32-57,59-60] | |
Mn | 55 | 25.3-336 | 121.2±72.2 | 30.9 | ≤150 | [32,36-37,40,42,51,53,59] | |
牛饲料Cattle-AF | |||||||
Hg | 7 | 0-0.03 | 0.009±0.010 | 0.0 | ≤0.1 | [46,52-53] | |
Cd | 21 | 0-23.25 | 2.68±5.58 | 47.6 | ≤0.5 | [9,46,50,52-54] | |
As | 17 | 0-6.12 | 1.01±1.57 | 17.6 | ≤2 | [46,52-54] | |
Pb | 14 | 0.5-14.9 | 5.67±4.22 | 50.0 | ≤5 | [35,46,50,52-53] | |
Cr | 12 | 0.7-30.86 | 11.79±9.17 | 66.7/100 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,35,46,52-53] |
Ni | 8 | 0.33-11.79 | 4.93±3.60 | [46,50,53] | |||
Cu | 24 | 0-281.2 | 45.4±60.8 | 54.2 | ≤25 | [9,35,46,50,52-54] | |
Zn | 36 | 10.3-471.4 | 135.1±134.8 | 33.3 | ≤120 | [9,35,46,49-50,52-54] | |
Mn | 3 | 20.4-268.8 | 124.9±128.8 | 33.3 | ≤150 | [53] | |
鸡饲料Chicken-AF | |||||||
Hg | 8 | 0-0.066 | 0.016±0.023 | 0.0 | ≤0.1 | [46,52-53] | |
Cd | 18 | 0-8.0 | 1.24±2.05 | 44.4 | ≤0.5 | [9,46,52-54,61] | |
As | 20 | 0-11.2 | 1.62±2.80 | 20.0 | ≤2 | [46,52-54,61] | |
Pb | 14 | 0.02-34.5 | 7.10±9.00 | 50.0 | ≤5 | [35,46,52-53,61] | |
Cr | 24 | 0-936.45 | 88.64±212.38 | 70.8/83.3 | ≤5 | ≤0.2 | [9,35,46,52-54,61] |
Ni | 8 | 0.02-91.8 | 14.87±31.36 | [46,53,61] | |||
Cu | 24 | 2.86-458.7 | 56.48±97.25 | 45.8 | ≤25 | [9,35,46,52-54,61] | |
Zn | 42 | 5.6-594.8 | 148.2±119.0 | 52.4 | ≤120 | [9,35,46,49,52-54,61] | |
Mn | 6 | 52.6-726.7 | 300.9±262.3 | 66.7 | ≤150 | [53,61] |
抗生素 Antibiotic | 样本数 Number of samples | 最小值 Min. (mg·kg-1) | 最大值 Max. (mg·kg-1) | 平均值 Ave. (mg·kg-1) | 标准差 SD. | 变异系数 CV% | 数据来源 Data sources |
土霉素OTC | 2 | 1.60 | 14.41 | 8.01 | 9.06 | 62.85 | [9] |
四环素TC | 3 | 0.75 | 113.19 | 41.09 | 62.58 | 55.29 | [9] |
金霉素CTC | 5 | 0.46 | 201.82 | 72.94 | 89.54 | 44.37 | [9] |
强力霉素DOC | 2 | 0.87 | 12.16 | 6.51 | 7.98 | 65.65 | [9] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 3 | 0.06 | 1.49 | 0.63 | 0.76 | 50.91 | [9] |
环丙沙星CIP | 2 | 0.39 | 0.91 | 0.65 | 0.36 | 40.08 | [9] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 2 | 0.48 | 0.72 | 0.60 | 0.17 | 23.87 | [9] |
抗生素 Antibiotic | 样本数 Number of samples | 最小值 Min. (mg·kg-1) | 最大值 Max. (mg·kg-1) | 平均值 Ave. (mg·kg-1) | 标准差 SD. | 变异系数 CV% | 数据来源 Data sources |
土霉素OTC | 2 | 1.60 | 14.41 | 8.01 | 9.06 | 62.85 | [9] |
四环素TC | 3 | 0.75 | 113.19 | 41.09 | 62.58 | 55.29 | [9] |
金霉素CTC | 5 | 0.46 | 201.82 | 72.94 | 89.54 | 44.37 | [9] |
强力霉素DOC | 2 | 0.87 | 12.16 | 6.51 | 7.98 | 65.65 | [9] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 3 | 0.06 | 1.49 | 0.63 | 0.76 | 50.91 | [9] |
环丙沙星CIP | 2 | 0.39 | 0.91 | 0.65 | 0.36 | 40.08 | [9] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 2 | 0.48 | 0.72 | 0.60 | 0.17 | 23.87 | [9] |
元素 Element in AM | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 饲料中均值 Ave. in AF (mg·kg-1) | 富集系数 Enrichment coeff. | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪Pig-AM | ||||||
Hg | 112 | 0-9.42 | 0.247±1.050 | 0.032 | 7.81 | [7,10,14,34,38,42,45-46,52-53,67-71,76-77,79-80,81,83,88-89, 94,98] |
Cd | 323 | 0-203.4 | 4.84±18.06 | 3.54 | 1.37 | [7,10,14,32-34,37-38,41-47,50-53,56,59-60,63-64,67-72,74-75, 77-81,83,85-94,98] |
As | 305 | 0-373.8 | 23.46±43.58 | 11.69 | 2.01 | [7,9-10,14,32-34,37-38,42-46,52-53,57-58,60,65,67-72,74-76, 77-81,83,86,88-89,92,94-96,98] |
Pb | 320 | 0-421.2 | 11.76±35.34 | 5.21 | 2.26 | [7,10,14,32-34,37-38,40-47,50-53,56,59-60,63,65,67-73,75, 77,79-81,83,85-89, 1-92,94-95,97-98] |
Cr | 279 | 0-1616.52 | 42.19±120.73 | 13.92 | 3.02 | [7,9-10,14,32-34,37,42-47,52-53,56,59,60,63,67-72,75,77,79-81, 83,85,89-92,94-96,98] |
Ni | 161 | 0.66-286.4 | 15.40±24.81 | 5.30 | 2.89 | [7,14,32,37,44-46,50,53,56,59,63,68,70-71,80-81,83,85,89, 91,98] |
Cu | 386 | 0.6-7327 | 639.2±647.5 | 210.7 | 3.07 | [7,9-10,14,16,32-34,37-39,41-48,50-53,56-57,59-60,63-68,70-73, 75-90,92-95,97-98] |
Zn | 394 | 4.6-16928 | 1578.5±2447.7 | 577.2 | 2.73 | [7,9-10,14,16,32-34,37-53,56-57,59-60,63-68,70-73,75-89,91-98] |
Na | 7 | 3100-7890 | 4427.1±1770.4 | [7] | ||
Se | 4 | 0.01-1.34 | 0.343±0.665 | [14,38] | ||
Mn | 80 | 105.2-1469 | 558.2±225.4 | 121.2 | 4.61 | [7,14,32-33,37,40,42,51,53,59,98] |
牛粪Cattle-AM | ||||||
Hg | 49 | 0-2.54 | 0.257±0.557 | 0.009 | 29.89 | [10,14,46,52-53,67-70,79-81,83,88-89,99-101] |
Cd | 81 | 0-10.49 | 1.04±1.67 | 2.68 | 0.39 | [10,14,33,46,50,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-90,93,99-102] |
As | 66 | 0-31.19 | 3.83±5.92 | 1.01 | 3.81 | [9-10,14,33,46,52-53,67-70,75,79-81,83,88-89,99-101] |
Pb | 77 | 0.01-88.15 | 12.89±13.85 | 5.67 | 2.27 | [10,14,33,35,46,50,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-89,100-102] |
Cr | 78 | 0-678.7 | 32.85±81.51 | 11.79 | 2.79 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-90,100-102] |
Ni | 37 | 0.37-26.21 | 10.58±5.78 | 4.93 | 2.15 | [14,46,50,53,63,68,70,80-81,83,85,89,100] |
Cu | 86 | 3.7-1257.1 | 96.2±193.7 | 45.4 | 2.12 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,50,52-53,63,66-68,70,75,79-83,85,88-90,93,99-102] |
Zn | 83 | 7-2230 | 279.7±427.9 | 135.1 | 2.07 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,49-50,52-53,63,66-68,70,75,79-83,85,88-89,93, 100-102] |
Na | ||||||
Se | 2 | 0.05-0.44 | 0.245±0.276 | [14] | ||
Mn | 9 | 85.5-1260.7 | 601.0±484.6 | 124.9 | 4.81 | [14,33,53,101] |
鸡粪Chicken-AM | ||||||
Hg | 60 | 0-4.6 | 0.330±0.857 | 0.016 | 20.22 | [7,10,14,46,52-53,67-71,79,81,83,88-89,94,103] |
Cd | 90 | 0-65.6 | 3.67±9.96 | 1.24 | 2.94 | [7,10,14,33,46,52-53,63-64,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-90, 93-94,103] |
As | 77 | 0-685.08 | 17.06±78.46 | 1.62 | 10.49 | [7,9-10,14,33,46,52-53,67-71,75,79,81,83,88-89,94,103] |
Pb | 87 | 0-352.7 | 18.62±44.02 | 7.10 | 2.62 | [7,10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-89, 94,103] |
Cr | 89 | 0-4304.68 | 170.85±598.96 | 88.64 | 1.91 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-90, 94,103] |
Ni | 46 | 2.15-42.43 | 14.99±10.90 | 14.87 | 1.00 | [7,14,46,53,63,68,70-71,81,83,85,89,103] |
Cu | 93 | 1.5-1726.3 | 152.2±263.9 | 56.48 | 3.06 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63-64,67-68,70-71,75,79-85,88-90, 93-94,103] |
Zn | 93 | 0.2-4485 | 465.5±692.7 | 148.2 | 3.13 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,49,52-53,63-64,67-68,70-71,75,79-85,88-89, 93-94,103] |
Na | 5 | 4600-9800 | 7200.0±2318.4 | [7] | ||
Se | 2 | 0.07-0.08 | 0.075±0.007 | [14] | ||
Mn | 16 | 148-1547.8 | 571.2±406.7 | 300.9 | 1.90 | [14,33,53,103] |
元素 Element in AM | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 饲料中均值 Ave. in AF (mg·kg-1) | 富集系数 Enrichment coeff. | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪Pig-AM | ||||||
Hg | 112 | 0-9.42 | 0.247±1.050 | 0.032 | 7.81 | [7,10,14,34,38,42,45-46,52-53,67-71,76-77,79-80,81,83,88-89, 94,98] |
Cd | 323 | 0-203.4 | 4.84±18.06 | 3.54 | 1.37 | [7,10,14,32-34,37-38,41-47,50-53,56,59-60,63-64,67-72,74-75, 77-81,83,85-94,98] |
As | 305 | 0-373.8 | 23.46±43.58 | 11.69 | 2.01 | [7,9-10,14,32-34,37-38,42-46,52-53,57-58,60,65,67-72,74-76, 77-81,83,86,88-89,92,94-96,98] |
Pb | 320 | 0-421.2 | 11.76±35.34 | 5.21 | 2.26 | [7,10,14,32-34,37-38,40-47,50-53,56,59-60,63,65,67-73,75, 77,79-81,83,85-89, 1-92,94-95,97-98] |
Cr | 279 | 0-1616.52 | 42.19±120.73 | 13.92 | 3.02 | [7,9-10,14,32-34,37,42-47,52-53,56,59,60,63,67-72,75,77,79-81, 83,85,89-92,94-96,98] |
Ni | 161 | 0.66-286.4 | 15.40±24.81 | 5.30 | 2.89 | [7,14,32,37,44-46,50,53,56,59,63,68,70-71,80-81,83,85,89, 91,98] |
Cu | 386 | 0.6-7327 | 639.2±647.5 | 210.7 | 3.07 | [7,9-10,14,16,32-34,37-39,41-48,50-53,56-57,59-60,63-68,70-73, 75-90,92-95,97-98] |
Zn | 394 | 4.6-16928 | 1578.5±2447.7 | 577.2 | 2.73 | [7,9-10,14,16,32-34,37-53,56-57,59-60,63-68,70-73,75-89,91-98] |
Na | 7 | 3100-7890 | 4427.1±1770.4 | [7] | ||
Se | 4 | 0.01-1.34 | 0.343±0.665 | [14,38] | ||
Mn | 80 | 105.2-1469 | 558.2±225.4 | 121.2 | 4.61 | [7,14,32-33,37,40,42,51,53,59,98] |
牛粪Cattle-AM | ||||||
Hg | 49 | 0-2.54 | 0.257±0.557 | 0.009 | 29.89 | [10,14,46,52-53,67-70,79-81,83,88-89,99-101] |
Cd | 81 | 0-10.49 | 1.04±1.67 | 2.68 | 0.39 | [10,14,33,46,50,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-90,93,99-102] |
As | 66 | 0-31.19 | 3.83±5.92 | 1.01 | 3.81 | [9-10,14,33,46,52-53,67-70,75,79-81,83,88-89,99-101] |
Pb | 77 | 0.01-88.15 | 12.89±13.85 | 5.67 | 2.27 | [10,14,33,35,46,50,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-89,100-102] |
Cr | 78 | 0-678.7 | 32.85±81.51 | 11.79 | 2.79 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-70,75,79-81,83,85,88-90,100-102] |
Ni | 37 | 0.37-26.21 | 10.58±5.78 | 4.93 | 2.15 | [14,46,50,53,63,68,70,80-81,83,85,89,100] |
Cu | 86 | 3.7-1257.1 | 96.2±193.7 | 45.4 | 2.12 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,50,52-53,63,66-68,70,75,79-83,85,88-90,93,99-102] |
Zn | 83 | 7-2230 | 279.7±427.9 | 135.1 | 2.07 | [9-10,14,33,35,46,49-50,52-53,63,66-68,70,75,79-83,85,88-89,93, 100-102] |
Na | ||||||
Se | 2 | 0.05-0.44 | 0.245±0.276 | [14] | ||
Mn | 9 | 85.5-1260.7 | 601.0±484.6 | 124.9 | 4.81 | [14,33,53,101] |
鸡粪Chicken-AM | ||||||
Hg | 60 | 0-4.6 | 0.330±0.857 | 0.016 | 20.22 | [7,10,14,46,52-53,67-71,79,81,83,88-89,94,103] |
Cd | 90 | 0-65.6 | 3.67±9.96 | 1.24 | 2.94 | [7,10,14,33,46,52-53,63-64,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-90, 93-94,103] |
As | 77 | 0-685.08 | 17.06±78.46 | 1.62 | 10.49 | [7,9-10,14,33,46,52-53,67-71,75,79,81,83,88-89,94,103] |
Pb | 87 | 0-352.7 | 18.62±44.02 | 7.10 | 2.62 | [7,10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-89, 94,103] |
Cr | 89 | 0-4304.68 | 170.85±598.96 | 88.64 | 1.91 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63,67-71,75,79,81,83,85,88-90, 94,103] |
Ni | 46 | 2.15-42.43 | 14.99±10.90 | 14.87 | 1.00 | [7,14,46,53,63,68,70-71,81,83,85,89,103] |
Cu | 93 | 1.5-1726.3 | 152.2±263.9 | 56.48 | 3.06 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,52-53,63-64,67-68,70-71,75,79-85,88-90, 93-94,103] |
Zn | 93 | 0.2-4485 | 465.5±692.7 | 148.2 | 3.13 | [7,9-10,14,33,35,46,49,52-53,63-64,67-68,70-71,75,79-85,88-89, 93-94,103] |
Na | 5 | 4600-9800 | 7200.0±2318.4 | [7] | ||
Se | 2 | 0.07-0.08 | 0.075±0.007 | [14] | ||
Mn | 16 | 148-1547.8 | 571.2±406.7 | 300.9 | 1.90 | [14,33,53,103] |
抗生素 Antibiotics in AM | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave. ± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 饲料中均值 Ave. in AF (mg·kg-1) | 富集系数 Enrichment coeff. | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪Pig-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 100 | 0-229.16 | 27.14±50.74 | 8.0057 | 3.390 | [7,9-10,14,65,71,91-92,105-119] |
四环素TC | 91 | 0-326.15 | 20.65±43.66 | 41.0941 | 0.502 | [7,9-10,14,65,71,91-92,105,107-108,110-117,119] |
金霉素CTC | 95 | 0-346.85 | 35.83±66.40 | 72.9371 | 0.491 | [7,9-10,14,57,65,71,91-92,105-106,109-116,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 16 | 0-30.72 | 4.18±8.46 | 6.5136 | 0.64 | [9-10,105,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 47 | 0-5.5 | 0.44±0.89 | 0.6288 | 0.70 | [9-10,14,71,105,108,109-111,114,117] |
环丙沙星CIP | 52 | 0-33.98 | 1.06±4.69 | 0.6521 | 1.62 | [9-10,14,71,105,107-108,109-111,114,117] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 46 | 0-33.26 | 1.24±5.09 | 0.5977 | 2.07 | [10,14,107-111,114,117] |
牛粪Cattle-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 33 | 0-59.59 | 3.34±10.56 | 8.0057 | 0.417 | [9-10,14,105,107,109-110,114-115,118-119] |
四环素TC | 27 | 0-6.82 | 1.00±1.76 | 41.0941 | 0.024 | [10,14,105,107,110,114-115,119] |
金霉素CTC | 32 | 0-105.75 | 4.96±19.05 | 72.9371 | 0.068 | [10,14,105,109-110,113-115,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 13 | 0-2.5 | 0.62±0.81 | 6.5136 | 0.10 | [10,105,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 17 | 0-2.76 | 0.37±0.80 | 0.6288 | 0.58 | [14,105,109-110,114] |
环丙沙星CIP | 23 | 0-29.59 | 1.60±6.15 | 0.6521 | 2.46 | [10,14,105,107,109-110,114] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 23 | 0-46.7 | 2.60±9.73 | 0.5977 | 4.36 | [9-10,14,105,107,109-110,114] |
鸡粪Chicken-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 64 | 0-416.75 | 16.29±57.33 | 8.0057 | 2.04 | [7,9-10,14,71,106-119] |
四环素TC | 56 | 0-102.68 | 7.21±19.75 | 41.0941 | 0.18 | [7,9,14,71,107-108,110-117,119] |
金霉素CTC | 56 | 0-563.82 | 18.12±76.91 | 72.9371 | 0.25 | [7,10,14,71,106,109-116,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 10 | 0-10.91 | 3.87±4.30 | 6.5136 | 0.59 | [10,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 29 | 0-225.45 | 8.35±41.77 | 0.6288 | 13.28 | [10,14,71,108-111,114,117] |
环丙沙星CIP | 31 | 0-45.59 | 2.28±8.33 | 0.6521 | 3.50 | [10,14,71,107-111,114,117] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 27 | 0-1420.76 | 53.25±273.31 | 0.5977 | 89.10 | [10,14,107-111,114,117] |
抗生素 Antibiotics in AM | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·kg-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave. ± SD. (mg·kg-1) | 饲料中均值 Ave. in AF (mg·kg-1) | 富集系数 Enrichment coeff. | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪Pig-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 100 | 0-229.16 | 27.14±50.74 | 8.0057 | 3.390 | [7,9-10,14,65,71,91-92,105-119] |
四环素TC | 91 | 0-326.15 | 20.65±43.66 | 41.0941 | 0.502 | [7,9-10,14,65,71,91-92,105,107-108,110-117,119] |
金霉素CTC | 95 | 0-346.85 | 35.83±66.40 | 72.9371 | 0.491 | [7,9-10,14,57,65,71,91-92,105-106,109-116,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 16 | 0-30.72 | 4.18±8.46 | 6.5136 | 0.64 | [9-10,105,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 47 | 0-5.5 | 0.44±0.89 | 0.6288 | 0.70 | [9-10,14,71,105,108,109-111,114,117] |
环丙沙星CIP | 52 | 0-33.98 | 1.06±4.69 | 0.6521 | 1.62 | [9-10,14,71,105,107-108,109-111,114,117] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 46 | 0-33.26 | 1.24±5.09 | 0.5977 | 2.07 | [10,14,107-111,114,117] |
牛粪Cattle-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 33 | 0-59.59 | 3.34±10.56 | 8.0057 | 0.417 | [9-10,14,105,107,109-110,114-115,118-119] |
四环素TC | 27 | 0-6.82 | 1.00±1.76 | 41.0941 | 0.024 | [10,14,105,107,110,114-115,119] |
金霉素CTC | 32 | 0-105.75 | 4.96±19.05 | 72.9371 | 0.068 | [10,14,105,109-110,113-115,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 13 | 0-2.5 | 0.62±0.81 | 6.5136 | 0.10 | [10,105,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 17 | 0-2.76 | 0.37±0.80 | 0.6288 | 0.58 | [14,105,109-110,114] |
环丙沙星CIP | 23 | 0-29.59 | 1.60±6.15 | 0.6521 | 2.46 | [10,14,105,107,109-110,114] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 23 | 0-46.7 | 2.60±9.73 | 0.5977 | 4.36 | [9-10,14,105,107,109-110,114] |
鸡粪Chicken-AM | ||||||
土霉素OTC | 64 | 0-416.75 | 16.29±57.33 | 8.0057 | 2.04 | [7,9-10,14,71,106-119] |
四环素TC | 56 | 0-102.68 | 7.21±19.75 | 41.0941 | 0.18 | [7,9,14,71,107-108,110-117,119] |
金霉素CTC | 56 | 0-563.82 | 18.12±76.91 | 72.9371 | 0.25 | [7,10,14,71,106,109-116,118-119] |
强力霉素DOC | 10 | 0-10.91 | 3.87±4.30 | 6.5136 | 0.59 | [10,109-110,114] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 29 | 0-225.45 | 8.35±41.77 | 0.6288 | 13.28 | [10,14,71,108-111,114,117] |
环丙沙星CIP | 31 | 0-45.59 | 2.28±8.33 | 0.6521 | 3.50 | [10,14,71,107-111,114,117] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 27 | 0-1420.76 | 53.25±273.31 | 0.5977 | 89.10 | [10,14,107-111,114,117] |
沼液中 元素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 数据来源 Data sources | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·L-1) | GB 5084- 2005[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率 Over- limits (%) | GB/T 14848-2017[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率(IV-V) Over- limits (%) | ||
III | IV | V | ||||||||
猪粪沼液Pig-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 145 | [18,46,65,74,76,97,129,131,133-134, 138-140,144,148-151,153-154,157- 159,168,175,179,184,186-187,189- 190,192-194,196-197] | 6.42-8.9 | 7.57±0.52 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
Hg | 125 | [14,76-77,98,128,131-132,135-144, 147-150,154,157-160,163,165,167, 170,174-178,182,184-185,192,196] | 0-0.167 | 0.028±0.039 | ≤0.001 | 70.4 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 61.6 |
Cd | 251 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,56,72,74,76-78, 98,126-128,130,132-153,157-160, 163-165,167-172,174-178,182,184- 186, 190-193,195-197] | 0-7.51 | 0.126±0.636 | ≤0.01 | 46.4 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 46.4 |
As | 260 | [9,14,17-18,37,55,65,72,74,76-78,96, 98,126-128,131-144,147-149,150-159, 162-163,165-167,169-171,174-179, 181- 182,184-185,190,192-193,195-197] | 0-13 | 0.868±2.167 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 66.9 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 66.9 |
Pb | 266 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,56,65,72,74,76-77, 97-98,126-128,130-131,132-144,146- 149,150-152,154,157-161,163,165-178, 181-183, 185,189-193,195-197] | 0-36.07 | 0.710±3.248 | ≤0.2 | 31.3 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 45.7 |
Cr | 228 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,55-56,72,74,76-77, 98,126-128,132-150,153-154,156-161, 163-165,167-171,173-178,181-182, 184-186, 189-193,195-196] | 0-24.18 | 0.657±2.493 | ≤0.1(VI) | 54.4 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 54.4 |
Ni | 96 | [12,14,17-18,37,56,98,126,129,152, 154,158-159,164,167,170-171,175, 186,191,195] | 0-5.85 | 0.317±0.817 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 38.5 | ||
Cu | 298 | [9,12,14-18,37,46,55-56,65,72,76-78, 97-98,126-131,133-134,136-138,140, 143-146,148-150,151-162,164-165, 167-176,180-186,188-193,195-197] | 0-99 | 4.50±12.51 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 55.9 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 37.4 |
Zn | 277 | [9,12,14-18,28,37,46,55-56,65,72,76- 78,97-98,126-131,126-131,133-134, 136-138,143-146,150,151-159,161- 162,164-165,167-171,173-176,180- 186,188, 190-191,193,195] | 0-205.43 | 9.11±22.58 | ≤2.0 | 53.8 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 35.7 |
Cl | 17 | [127,144,155,182,193] | 150-3647.5 | 917.1±797.1 | ≤350 | 88.2 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 88.2 |
Na | 18 | [28,157,175,180] | 88.5-559 | 287.1±124.4 | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | 11.1 | ||
Se | 7 | [14,126,129,136,174] | 0- 0.232 | 0.049±0.086 | ≤0.02 | 42.9 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 14.3 |
Mn | 74 | [14,17,18,37,98,126-127,129,136-137, 152,155,157-159,169-171,175,179- 180,182-184,186] | 0-50.8 | 6.815±11.160 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 47.3 | ||
CN- | 9 | 140 | 4.015-14.19 | 6.734±3.185 | ≤0.5 | 100.0 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 100.0 |
EC | 37 | [1,65,131,168,184,186-187,194] | 1560-13930 | 8055±3336 | ||||||
牛粪沼液Cattle-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 23 | [26,102,129,131,138,144,150,184, 196-199] | 6.47-8.93 | 7.77±0.58 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
续 | ||||||||||
沼液中 元素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 数据来源 Data sources | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·L-1) | GB 5084- 2005[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率 Over- limits (%) | GB/T 14848-2017[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率(IV-V) Over- limits (%) | ||
III | IV | V | ||||||||
Hg | 21 | [99,128,131-132,136,138,141,143,147, 184,196] | 0-0.119 | 0.024±0.036 | ≤0.001 | 76.2 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 76.2 |
Cd | 35 | [13,26,99,102,128,132,136,138,141, 143-144,147,184,196-200] | 0-0.190 | 0.039±0.047 | ≤0.01 | 60.0 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 60.0 |
As | 35 | [9,13,26,99,102,128,131-132,136,138, 141,143-144,147,162,184, 196-198] | 0.001-4.576 | 0.235±0.780 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 45.7 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 45.7 |
Pb | 31 | [13,26,102,128,131-132,136,138,141, 143-144,147, 196-200] | 0.008-1.056 | 0.199±0.234 | ≤0.2 | 35.5 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 51.6 |
Cr | 22 | [13,102,128,132,136,138,141,143- 144,147,184,196 | 0-3.146 | 0.301±0.668 | ≤0.1(VI) | 50.0 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 50.0 |
Ni | 3 | [13,129] | 0.027-0.063 | 0.045±0.018 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 | ||
Cu | 38 | [9,13,26,99,128-129,131,136,138, 143-144,150,162, 184,196-200] | 0.02-30.03 | 2.63±5.62 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 47.4 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 26.3 |
Zn | 32 | [9,13,26,128-129,131,136,138,143- 144,150,162,184, 197-200] | 0.1-68.15 | 8.31±18.44 | ≤2.0 | 34.4 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 18.8 |
Cl | 2 | [144] | 850.5-963 | 906.8±79.5 | ≤350 | 100.0 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 100.0 |
Na | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | |||||||
Se | 2 | [129,136] | 0.002-0.022 | 0.012±0.014 | ≤0.02 | 0.0 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 |
Mn | 4 | [129,136,184] | 0.231-124.6 | 61.092±70.306 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 50.0 | ||
CN- | ≤0.5 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | ||||||
EC | 4 | [102,131,184] | 2830-8490 | 6345±2452 | ||||||
鸡粪沼液Chicken-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 5 | [127,129,144,179,203] | 6.77-8.38 | 7.59±0.70 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
Hg | 7 | [14,132,143,204-205] | 0-0.054 | 0.014±0.020 | ≤0.001 | 42.9 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 42.9 |
Cd | 13 | [14,127,130,132,143-144,202-205] | 0-4.3 | 0.367±1.184 | ≤0.01 | 38.5 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 38.5 |
As | 11 | [9,14,127,132,143-144,179,204-205] | 0.01-5.21 | 0.548±1.555 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 18.2 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 18.2 |
Pb | 14 | [14,130,132,143-144,161,201-205] | 0-2.430 | 0.345±0.684 | ≤0.2 | 28.6 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 35.7 |
Cr | 14 | [9,14,127,132,143-144,161,201-205] | 0.001-10.18 | 1.085±2.840 | ≤0.1(VI) | 35.7 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 35.7 |
Ni | 4 | [14,129,201-202] | 0.088-0.55 | 0.281±0.207 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 75.0 | ||
Cu | 15 | [9,14,127,129-130,143-144,161,201- 203,205] | 0-2.12 | 0.78±0.71 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 46.7 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 20.0 |
Zn | 13 | [9,14,127,129-130,143-144,161,201-203] | 0-13.94 | 4.06±4.42 | ≤2.0 | 46.2 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 30.8 |
Cl | 2 | [127,144] | 540-1087 | 813.5±386.8 | ≤350 | 100.0 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 100.0 |
Na | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | |||||||
Se | 2 | [14,129] | 0.011-0.011 | 0.011 | ≤0.02 | 0.0 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 |
Mn | 7 | [14,127,129,179,201,205] | 0-50.8 | 7.534±19.085 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 14.3 | ||
CN- | ≤0.5 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | ||||||
EC | 1 | [203] | 2630 | 2630 |
沼液中 元素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 数据来源 Data sources | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·L-1) | GB 5084- 2005[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率 Over- limits (%) | GB/T 14848-2017[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率(IV-V) Over- limits (%) | ||
III | IV | V | ||||||||
猪粪沼液Pig-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 145 | [18,46,65,74,76,97,129,131,133-134, 138-140,144,148-151,153-154,157- 159,168,175,179,184,186-187,189- 190,192-194,196-197] | 6.42-8.9 | 7.57±0.52 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
Hg | 125 | [14,76-77,98,128,131-132,135-144, 147-150,154,157-160,163,165,167, 170,174-178,182,184-185,192,196] | 0-0.167 | 0.028±0.039 | ≤0.001 | 70.4 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 61.6 |
Cd | 251 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,56,72,74,76-78, 98,126-128,130,132-153,157-160, 163-165,167-172,174-178,182,184- 186, 190-193,195-197] | 0-7.51 | 0.126±0.636 | ≤0.01 | 46.4 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 46.4 |
As | 260 | [9,14,17-18,37,55,65,72,74,76-78,96, 98,126-128,131-144,147-149,150-159, 162-163,165-167,169-171,174-179, 181- 182,184-185,190,192-193,195-197] | 0-13 | 0.868±2.167 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 66.9 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 66.9 |
Pb | 266 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,56,65,72,74,76-77, 97-98,126-128,130-131,132-144,146- 149,150-152,154,157-161,163,165-178, 181-183, 185,189-193,195-197] | 0-36.07 | 0.710±3.248 | ≤0.2 | 31.3 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 45.7 |
Cr | 228 | [12,14,17-18,37,46,55-56,72,74,76-77, 98,126-128,132-150,153-154,156-161, 163-165,167-171,173-178,181-182, 184-186, 189-193,195-196] | 0-24.18 | 0.657±2.493 | ≤0.1(VI) | 54.4 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 54.4 |
Ni | 96 | [12,14,17-18,37,56,98,126,129,152, 154,158-159,164,167,170-171,175, 186,191,195] | 0-5.85 | 0.317±0.817 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 38.5 | ||
Cu | 298 | [9,12,14-18,37,46,55-56,65,72,76-78, 97-98,126-131,133-134,136-138,140, 143-146,148-150,151-162,164-165, 167-176,180-186,188-193,195-197] | 0-99 | 4.50±12.51 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 55.9 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 37.4 |
Zn | 277 | [9,12,14-18,28,37,46,55-56,65,72,76- 78,97-98,126-131,126-131,133-134, 136-138,143-146,150,151-159,161- 162,164-165,167-171,173-176,180- 186,188, 190-191,193,195] | 0-205.43 | 9.11±22.58 | ≤2.0 | 53.8 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 35.7 |
Cl | 17 | [127,144,155,182,193] | 150-3647.5 | 917.1±797.1 | ≤350 | 88.2 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 88.2 |
Na | 18 | [28,157,175,180] | 88.5-559 | 287.1±124.4 | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | 11.1 | ||
Se | 7 | [14,126,129,136,174] | 0- 0.232 | 0.049±0.086 | ≤0.02 | 42.9 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 14.3 |
Mn | 74 | [14,17,18,37,98,126-127,129,136-137, 152,155,157-159,169-171,175,179- 180,182-184,186] | 0-50.8 | 6.815±11.160 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 47.3 | ||
CN- | 9 | 140 | 4.015-14.19 | 6.734±3.185 | ≤0.5 | 100.0 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 100.0 |
EC | 37 | [1,65,131,168,184,186-187,194] | 1560-13930 | 8055±3336 | ||||||
牛粪沼液Cattle-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 23 | [26,102,129,131,138,144,150,184, 196-199] | 6.47-8.93 | 7.77±0.58 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
续 | ||||||||||
沼液中 元素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 数据来源 Data sources | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave.± SD. (mg·L-1) | GB 5084- 2005[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率 Over- limits (%) | GB/T 14848-2017[ Limits (mg·L-1) | 超标率(IV-V) Over- limits (%) | ||
III | IV | V | ||||||||
Hg | 21 | [99,128,131-132,136,138,141,143,147, 184,196] | 0-0.119 | 0.024±0.036 | ≤0.001 | 76.2 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 76.2 |
Cd | 35 | [13,26,99,102,128,132,136,138,141, 143-144,147,184,196-200] | 0-0.190 | 0.039±0.047 | ≤0.01 | 60.0 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 60.0 |
As | 35 | [9,13,26,99,102,128,131-132,136,138, 141,143-144,147,162,184, 196-198] | 0.001-4.576 | 0.235±0.780 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 45.7 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 45.7 |
Pb | 31 | [13,26,102,128,131-132,136,138,141, 143-144,147, 196-200] | 0.008-1.056 | 0.199±0.234 | ≤0.2 | 35.5 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 51.6 |
Cr | 22 | [13,102,128,132,136,138,141,143- 144,147,184,196 | 0-3.146 | 0.301±0.668 | ≤0.1(VI) | 50.0 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 50.0 |
Ni | 3 | [13,129] | 0.027-0.063 | 0.045±0.018 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 | ||
Cu | 38 | [9,13,26,99,128-129,131,136,138, 143-144,150,162, 184,196-200] | 0.02-30.03 | 2.63±5.62 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 47.4 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 26.3 |
Zn | 32 | [9,13,26,128-129,131,136,138,143- 144,150,162,184, 197-200] | 0.1-68.15 | 8.31±18.44 | ≤2.0 | 34.4 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 18.8 |
Cl | 2 | [144] | 850.5-963 | 906.8±79.5 | ≤350 | 100.0 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 100.0 |
Na | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | |||||||
Se | 2 | [129,136] | 0.002-0.022 | 0.012±0.014 | ≤0.02 | 0.0 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 |
Mn | 4 | [129,136,184] | 0.231-124.6 | 61.092±70.306 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 50.0 | ||
CN- | ≤0.5 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | ||||||
EC | 4 | [102,131,184] | 2830-8490 | 6345±2452 | ||||||
鸡粪沼液Chicken-BS | ||||||||||
pH | 5 | [127,129,144,179,203] | 6.77-8.38 | 7.59±0.70 | 5.5-8.5 | 6.5-8.5 | 5.5-6.5, 8.5-9.0 | <5.5, >9.0 | ||
Hg | 7 | [14,132,143,204-205] | 0-0.054 | 0.014±0.020 | ≤0.001 | 42.9 | ≤0.001 | ≤0.002 | >0.002 | 42.9 |
Cd | 13 | [14,127,130,132,143-144,202-205] | 0-4.3 | 0.367±1.184 | ≤0.01 | 38.5 | ≤0.005 | ≤0.01 | >0.01 | 38.5 |
As | 11 | [9,14,127,132,143-144,179,204-205] | 0.01-5.21 | 0.548±1.555 | ≤0.05-0.1 | 18.2 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | >0.05 | 18.2 |
Pb | 14 | [14,130,132,143-144,161,201-205] | 0-2.430 | 0.345±0.684 | ≤0.2 | 28.6 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 35.7 |
Cr | 14 | [9,14,127,132,143-144,161,201-205] | 0.001-10.18 | 1.085±2.840 | ≤0.1(VI) | 35.7 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 35.7 |
Ni | 4 | [14,129,201-202] | 0.088-0.55 | 0.281±0.207 | ≤0.02 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 75.0 | ||
Cu | 15 | [9,14,127,129-130,143-144,161,201- 203,205] | 0-2.12 | 0.78±0.71 | ≤0.5-1.0 | 46.7 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 20.0 |
Zn | 13 | [9,14,127,129-130,143-144,161,201-203] | 0-13.94 | 4.06±4.42 | ≤2.0 | 46.2 | ≤1.0 | ≤5.0 | >5.0 | 30.8 |
Cl | 2 | [127,144] | 540-1087 | 813.5±386.8 | ≤350 | 100.0 | ≤250 | ≤350 | >350 | 100.0 |
Na | ≤200 | ≤400 | >400 | |||||||
Se | 2 | [14,129] | 0.011-0.011 | 0.011 | ≤0.02 | 0.0 | ≤0.01 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | 0.0 |
Mn | 7 | [14,127,129,179,201,205] | 0-50.8 | 7.534±19.085 | ≤0.1 | ≤1.5 | >1.5 | 14.3 | ||
CN- | ≤0.5 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.1 | >0.1 | ||||||
EC | 1 | [203] | 2630 | 2630 |
沼液中抗生素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave. ± SD. (mg·L-1) | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪沼液Pig-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 51 | 0.0001-0.994 | 0.1456±0.2326 | [9,12,15,65,206] |
四环素TC | 40 | 0-0.9821 | 0.0296±0.1547 | [9,12,65,206] |
金霉素CTC | 37 | 0.0002-0.642 | 0.0415±0.1100 | [12,65] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 34 | 0-0.204 | 0.0191±0.0553 | [9,12,206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 35 | 0.0002-0.0513 | 0.0052±0.0103 | [9,12,206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 32 | 0-0.1513 | 0.0108±0.0369 | [12,206-207] |
牛粪沼液Cattle-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 1 | 0.5748 | 0.5748 | [9] |
四环素TC | 2 | 0.0208-0.5608 | 0.2908±0.3818 | [9,206] |
金霉素CTC | ||||
诺氟沙星NOR | 4 | 0.0054-0.1189 | 0.0641±0.0464 | [9,206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 3 | 0.016-0.0227 | 0.0183±0.0038 | [206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 4 | 0.0058-0.089 | 0.0520±0.0422 | [206-207] |
鸡粪沼液Chicken-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 2 | 0.0759-0.4007 | 0.2383±0.2296 | [9,206] |
四环素TC | 3 | 0.0289-12.862 | 4.3106±7.4057 | [9,206] |
金霉素CTC | ||||
诺氟沙星NOR | 3 | 0.056-0.2048 | 0.1065±0.0852 | [206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 3 | 0.005-0.0071 | 0.0058±0.0012 | [206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 4 | 0.0073-0.0676 | 0.0519±0.0298 | [206-207] |
沼液中抗生素 Element in BS | 样本数 Number of samples | 范围 Range (mg·L-1) | 均值±标准差 Ave. ± SD. (mg·L-1) | 数据来源 Data sources |
猪粪沼液Pig-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 51 | 0.0001-0.994 | 0.1456±0.2326 | [9,12,15,65,206] |
四环素TC | 40 | 0-0.9821 | 0.0296±0.1547 | [9,12,65,206] |
金霉素CTC | 37 | 0.0002-0.642 | 0.0415±0.1100 | [12,65] |
诺氟沙星NOR | 34 | 0-0.204 | 0.0191±0.0553 | [9,12,206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 35 | 0.0002-0.0513 | 0.0052±0.0103 | [9,12,206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 32 | 0-0.1513 | 0.0108±0.0369 | [12,206-207] |
牛粪沼液Cattle-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 1 | 0.5748 | 0.5748 | [9] |
四环素TC | 2 | 0.0208-0.5608 | 0.2908±0.3818 | [9,206] |
金霉素CTC | ||||
诺氟沙星NOR | 4 | 0.0054-0.1189 | 0.0641±0.0464 | [9,206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 3 | 0.016-0.0227 | 0.0183±0.0038 | [206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 4 | 0.0058-0.089 | 0.0520±0.0422 | [206-207] |
鸡粪沼液Chicken-BS | ||||
土霉素OTC | 2 | 0.0759-0.4007 | 0.2383±0.2296 | [9,206] |
四环素TC | 3 | 0.0289-12.862 | 4.3106±7.4057 | [9,206] |
金霉素CTC | ||||
诺氟沙星NOR | 3 | 0.056-0.2048 | 0.1065±0.0852 | [206-207] |
环丙沙星CIP | 3 | 0.005-0.0071 | 0.0058±0.0012 | [206-207] |
恩诺沙星ENR | 4 | 0.0073-0.0676 | 0.0519±0.0298 | [206-207] |
试验地点 BS-type /Site | 供试作物(年限) Crop (years) | 沼液用量 BS rate (t·hm-2) | 土壤中In soils (mg·kg-1) | 作物中In plants (mg·kg-1) | |||||||||||||||
Cd | As | Pb | Cr | Ni | Cu | Zn | Se | Hg | Cd | As | Pb | Cr | Ni | Cu | Zn | ||||
河南郑州沼液试验[ BS /Henan | 青菜 Brassica chinensis L. | 363.4 | 0.21 | ||||||||||||||||
新疆伊宁猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Xinjiang | 蔬菜Vegetables (5) | 126 | 0.4 | 51.6 | 8.78 | ||||||||||||||
浙江桐庐猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Zhejiang | 萝卜Radish | 69.5-86.3 | 207-307 | 65.2-78.8 | |||||||||||||||
江苏猪粪沼液试验[ Pig-BS /in Jiangsu | 蔬菜Vegetables | 2.88-5.52 | 20.8-37.3 | 86.7-277 | 138-386 | 58.7-157 | 696-1811 | 0.09-0.52 | 0.56 | 2.4-16.0 | 3.59-8.24 | 3.06-6.62 | 40.4-93.5 | ||||||
四川绵阳猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Sichuan | 叶菜类Leaf veget. /根茎菜类Root veget. | 134-191 | 0.33-0.54 /0.32-0.8 | 22.9-88.0 /22.9-135 | 0.06 /0.057-0.092 | 1.22-2.03 /0.59-2.38 | 0.23-0.42 /0.21-0.76 | 1.11-1.20 /0.93-1.16 | |||||||||||
广州惠州猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Guangzhou | 生菜Lettuce | 416-2498 | 0.122- 0.185 | ||||||||||||||||
广西猪粪沼液试验[ Pig-BS /Guangxi | 蔬菜Vegetables (10) /芒果Mango (2) /芭蕉Musa basjoo (10) /柑橘Citras (4) | 375-2400 | /2.58 /0.58 | /73.1 | /209 /487 | 65.1 /93.4 /447 /83-146 | 297 /998 /231-267 | ||||||||||||
江苏太湖流域猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Jiangsu | 蔬菜Vegetables /水稻Rice /小麦Wheat | 0.52 (water spinach) /0.11-0.25 /0.13-0.39 | 0.56 (amaranth) / /0.19-1.78 | 1.28 (water spinach) / /2.43-5.42 | 0.78 (garlic) / /0.43-0.65 | / /34.0-43.8 | |||||||||||||
重庆牛粪沼液试验[ Cattle-BS /Chongqing | 水稻Rice /黑麦草Ryegrass | 1980-3960 /1056-2112 | /0.083-0.093 | 0.064-0.94 /0.75 | /0.66-0.78 | /12.8-15.0 | 29.6-41.7 /53.4-60 | ||||||||||||
江苏东台猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /in Jiangsu | 水稻Rice (5) /小麦Wheat (5) | 450 /45 | 31.0 /25.1, | ||||||||||||||||
江苏淮安猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Jiangsu | 水稻秸秆Rice straw | 450-900 | 0.082- 0.104 | 0.89-1.36 | 0.53 | 16.3-19.6 | |||||||||||||
山东烟台鸡粪沼液[ Chicken-BS /Guangxi | 玉米Maize (8) | 750 | 0.39 | 20.1 | 89.2 | ||||||||||||||
GB 15618—2018[ | ≤0.3 | ≤20 | ≤70 | ≤150 | ≤60 | ≤50 | ≤200 | ||||||||||||
参考限量Referred limit[ | ≤3 | ||||||||||||||||||
GB 18406.1—2001[ | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.5 | ≤0.2 | ≤0.5 | ||||||||||||||
GB 2762—2017 [ Fresh-vegetable /Cereal-grain | ≤0.01/ ≤0.02 | ≤0.05/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.5/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.2/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.5/ ≤1.0 | ||||||||||||||
GB 15199—94[ | ≤10 | ||||||||||||||||||
GB 13106—91[ | ≤20 |
试验地点 BS-type /Site | 供试作物(年限) Crop (years) | 沼液用量 BS rate (t·hm-2) | 土壤中In soils (mg·kg-1) | 作物中In plants (mg·kg-1) | |||||||||||||||
Cd | As | Pb | Cr | Ni | Cu | Zn | Se | Hg | Cd | As | Pb | Cr | Ni | Cu | Zn | ||||
河南郑州沼液试验[ BS /Henan | 青菜 Brassica chinensis L. | 363.4 | 0.21 | ||||||||||||||||
新疆伊宁猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Xinjiang | 蔬菜Vegetables (5) | 126 | 0.4 | 51.6 | 8.78 | ||||||||||||||
浙江桐庐猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Zhejiang | 萝卜Radish | 69.5-86.3 | 207-307 | 65.2-78.8 | |||||||||||||||
江苏猪粪沼液试验[ Pig-BS /in Jiangsu | 蔬菜Vegetables | 2.88-5.52 | 20.8-37.3 | 86.7-277 | 138-386 | 58.7-157 | 696-1811 | 0.09-0.52 | 0.56 | 2.4-16.0 | 3.59-8.24 | 3.06-6.62 | 40.4-93.5 | ||||||
四川绵阳猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Sichuan | 叶菜类Leaf veget. /根茎菜类Root veget. | 134-191 | 0.33-0.54 /0.32-0.8 | 22.9-88.0 /22.9-135 | 0.06 /0.057-0.092 | 1.22-2.03 /0.59-2.38 | 0.23-0.42 /0.21-0.76 | 1.11-1.20 /0.93-1.16 | |||||||||||
广州惠州猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Guangzhou | 生菜Lettuce | 416-2498 | 0.122- 0.185 | ||||||||||||||||
广西猪粪沼液试验[ Pig-BS /Guangxi | 蔬菜Vegetables (10) /芒果Mango (2) /芭蕉Musa basjoo (10) /柑橘Citras (4) | 375-2400 | /2.58 /0.58 | /73.1 | /209 /487 | 65.1 /93.4 /447 /83-146 | 297 /998 /231-267 | ||||||||||||
江苏太湖流域猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Jiangsu | 蔬菜Vegetables /水稻Rice /小麦Wheat | 0.52 (water spinach) /0.11-0.25 /0.13-0.39 | 0.56 (amaranth) / /0.19-1.78 | 1.28 (water spinach) / /2.43-5.42 | 0.78 (garlic) / /0.43-0.65 | / /34.0-43.8 | |||||||||||||
重庆牛粪沼液试验[ Cattle-BS /Chongqing | 水稻Rice /黑麦草Ryegrass | 1980-3960 /1056-2112 | /0.083-0.093 | 0.064-0.94 /0.75 | /0.66-0.78 | /12.8-15.0 | 29.6-41.7 /53.4-60 | ||||||||||||
江苏东台猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /in Jiangsu | 水稻Rice (5) /小麦Wheat (5) | 450 /45 | 31.0 /25.1, | ||||||||||||||||
江苏淮安猪粪沼液[ Pig-BS /Jiangsu | 水稻秸秆Rice straw | 450-900 | 0.082- 0.104 | 0.89-1.36 | 0.53 | 16.3-19.6 | |||||||||||||
山东烟台鸡粪沼液[ Chicken-BS /Guangxi | 玉米Maize (8) | 750 | 0.39 | 20.1 | 89.2 | ||||||||||||||
GB 15618—2018[ | ≤0.3 | ≤20 | ≤70 | ≤150 | ≤60 | ≤50 | ≤200 | ||||||||||||
参考限量Referred limit[ | ≤3 | ||||||||||||||||||
GB 18406.1—2001[ | ≤0.01 | ≤0.05 | ≤0.5 | ≤0.2 | ≤0.5 | ||||||||||||||
GB 2762—2017 [ Fresh-vegetable /Cereal-grain | ≤0.01/ ≤0.02 | ≤0.05/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.5/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.2/ ≤0.2 | ≤0.5/ ≤1.0 | ||||||||||||||
GB 15199—94[ | ≤10 | ||||||||||||||||||
GB 13106—91[ | ≤20 |
[27] | 张丁辰. 规模化猪场粪污处理工艺应用进展. 环境工程, 2018,36(增刊):673-678. |
ZHANG D C. Progress in the application of pig fecal sewage treatment technology in large-scale pig farms. Environmental Engineering, 2018,36(Suppl.): 673-678. (in Chinese) | |
[28] | 中华人民共和国农业部. 沼气工程沼液沼渣后处理技术规范: NY/T 2374—2013. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2013. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Technical Code of Post-treatment of Digested Sludge and Slurry from Biogas Plant: NY/T 2374—2013. Beijing: China Standard Press, 2013. (in Chinese) | |
[29] | 中华人民共和国农业部. 沼肥施用技术规范: NY/T 2065—2011. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2011. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Technical Code for Application of Anaerobic Digestate Fertilizer: NY/T 2065—2011. Beijing: China Standard Press, 2011. (in Chinese) | |
[30] | 农业部. 2625公告《饲料添加剂安全使用规范》, 2017. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Announcement No. 2625 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the Safe Use of Feed Additives (Revised in 2017). (in Chinese) | |
[31] | 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国国家标准化管理委员会. 饲料卫生标准: GB 13078—2017. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2017. |
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