中国农业科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 1023-1034.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.05.20

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1扬州大学农业部长江流域稻作技术创新中心/江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室,江苏扬州 225009
    2淮安市农业技术推广中心,江苏淮安 223001
    3江西省农业技术推广总站,南昌 330046
    4江西省上高县农业局,江西上高 336400
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-19 出版日期:2015-03-01 发布日期:2015-03-01
  • 通讯作者: 张洪程,Tel:0514-87979220;
  • 作者简介:花劲,
  • 基金资助:

The Structure and Formation Characteristics of Super-High Yield Population with Late Yongyou Series of Indica-Japonica Hybrid Rice in Double-Cropping Rice Area

HUA Jin1, ZHOU Nian-bing1, ZHANG Jun1,2, ZHANG Hong-cheng1, HUO Zhong-yang1, ZHOU Pei-jian3, CHENG Fei-hu3, LI Guo-ye1, HUANG Da-shan3, CHEN Zhong-ping3, CHEN Guo-liang4, DAI Qi-gen1, XU Ke1, WEI Hai-yan1, GAO Hui1, GUO Bao-wei1   

  1. 1Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
    2 Huai’an Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, Huaian 223001, Jiangsu
    3Jiangxi Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Nanchang 330046
    4Bureau of Agriculture of Shanggao County of Jiangxi Province, Shanggao 336400, Jiangxi
  • Received:2014-03-19 Online:2015-03-01 Published:2015-03-01

摘要: 【目的】研究双季稻区晚稻季条件下,甬优系列籼粳杂交稻超高产结构与群体形成特征,以期为双季晚稻甬优系列籼粳杂交稻超高产栽培提供理论依据。【方法】以籼粳杂交稻有代表性的品种甬优538、甬优2640、甬优1538、甬优1540为试验材料,通过栽培措施的调控,形成超高产(≥10.50 t·hm-2)和高产(9.75 t·hm-2≤产量<10.50 t·hm-2)群体,对产量及其结构、茎蘖动态、叶面积动态与组成、光合势、干物质积累、群体生长速率等方面进行系统比较研究。【结果】与高产群体相比,超高产群体表现穗数足、穗型大、群体颖花量多(50 000×104 颖花/hm2以上)的显著特点,但结实率和千粒重略降低,差异不显著;群体茎蘖于生育前期稳步增长,至有效分蘖临界叶龄期达适宜穗数,高峰苗出现在拔节期,数量少,成穗率高(>75%),此后群体下降平缓,至抽穗期达适宜穗数;群体叶面积指数前期增长相对较缓慢,最大值出现在孕穗期,为8.1左右,此后下降缓慢,抽穗期叶面积指数、有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率及粒叶比均极显著高于高产群体,成熟期叶面积指数仍保持在3.5以上;群体光合势生育前期较小,中后期较大,总光合势为580×104 m2·d·hm-2以上,抽穗期至成熟期的光合势占总光合势的50.0%以上;群体拔节前干物质积累速度相对较缓,拔节后干物质积累速度较快,至抽穗期群体生物量为10.0 t·hm-2左右,抽穗后积累量亦高,至成熟期干物重达19.0 t·hm-2左右;有效分蘖临界叶龄期之前,超高产群体群体生长率较高产群体大,有效分蘖临界叶龄期至拔节期,超高产群体生长平稳,群体生长率较高产群体小,拔节以后,群体生长率极显著高于高产群体。【结论】超高产群体起点质量高,栽后分蘖早生快发,群体生长优势明显,特别是生育中后期光合生产能力强,物质积累多。超高产栽培水稻适宜产量构成应以足量穗数与较大穗型协调产出足够的群体颖花量,同时保持较高的结实率和千粒重。

关键词: 双季晚稻, 甬优系列, 籼粳杂交稻, 超高产, 群体形成特征

Abstract: 【Objective】Under the conditions of late rice of double cropping systems, Yongyou series of indica-japonica hybrid rice were used to investigate the structure and formation characteristics of super-high yield population. And it will provide a theoretical basis for cultivation of late Yongyou series of indica-japonica hybrid rice in double cropping systems. 【Method】A field experiment was conducted using the representative indica-japonica hybrid rice varieties Yongyou 538, Yongyou 2640, Yongyou 1540, and Yongyou 1538 to compare systematically yield and its components, development of stem and tiller number, development of leaf area and its composition, photosynthetic potential, dry matter accumulation and population growth rate between super-high yield and high yield populations formed by the regulation of cultivation measures. 【Result】Super-high yield population had more panicle and spikelets per panicle compared with high yield population. There was no significant difference in filled-grain percentage and 1000-grain weight between populations of super-high yield and high yield. Super-high yield population exhibited fewer tillers at the early growth stage and achieved expected number of stems and tillers at critical leaf-age for productive tillers, whose max number of stems and tillers was at jointing stage. Then, the number of population stems and tillers began to decrease stably, which achieved the expected number again. At last, the ratio of productive tillers to total tillers of super-high yield population was more than 75%, which was higher than that of high yield population. The leaf area index of super-high yield population was lower than that of high yield population, and the max leaf area index was about 8.1 at booting. Then the leaf area index of super-high yield population decreased stably, whose leaf area index, the ratio of effective leaf area, the ratio of effective leaf area and the ratio of grain to leaf were significantly higher than those of high yield population at heading and was above 3.5 at maturity. The photosynthetic potential of super-high yield population was small at early stage and larger at middle and late stages, as compared with high yield population. The total photosynthetic potential was above 580×104 m2·d·hm-2, of which more than 50.0% was from heading to maturity. The dry matter accumulation was smaller compared with high yield population before jointing, increased faster after jointing, and reached about 10.0 t·hm-2 at heading and 19.0 t·hm-2 at maturity, which was significantly higher than that of high yield population. Before the critical leaf-age for productive tillers, the population growth rate of super-high yield population was larger than that of high yield population, which was lower than that of high yield population from the critical leaf-age for productive tillers to jointing. After jointing, the population growth rate of super-high yield population was significantly larger than that of high yield population.【Conclusion】 With higher population started quality and earlier tiller, the population of super-high yield had obvious advantages, especially, higher photosynthetic matter production and greater dry matter accumulation in the middle and late growth stages. That building of enough total spikelets through adequate panicles and the large spikelets per panicle, and keeping a high seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight are the suitable yield formation characteristics of rice under super-high yield cultivation.

Key words: late rice in double-cropping rice area, Yongyou series, indica-japonica hybrid rice, super-high yield, population formation characteristics