中国农业科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 931-940.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.05.11

• 园艺 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1西南林业大学园林学院,昆明 650224
    2西南林业大学林学院,昆明 650224
  • 收稿日期:2014-08-27 出版日期:2015-03-01 发布日期:2015-03-01
  • 通讯作者: 秦艳玲,Tel:15912507643;
  • 作者简介:李宗艳,Tel:0871-63863023;
  • 基金资助:

Study on the Origin of Tree Peony Cultivars from Southwest China Based on ISSR Technology

LI Zong-yan1, QIN Yan-ling1, MENG Jin-fang2, TANG Dai1, WANG Jin1   

  1. 1Faculty of Landscape and Architecture, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224
    2College of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224
  • Received:2014-08-27 Online:2015-03-01 Published:2015-03-01

摘要: 【目的】通过对西南牡丹21个品种、中原牡丹18个品种、江南牡丹1个品种和1个野生种之间的亲缘关系进行研究,了解西南牡丹品种群的遗传背景,为品种选育奠定基础。【方法】通过改良的CTAB法对41份材料抽提总基因组DNA,采用ISSR分子标记的方法,通过优化的ISSR-PCR反应体系,从60个哥伦比亚大学(UBC)开发的通用引物中筛选27个进行PCR扩增差异比较,利用POPGENE软件计算多态位点百分率(%);依据Nei’s遗传距离,运用NTSYSPC进行UPGMA聚类构建不同品种群和品种间亲缘关系。【结果】利用27个ISSR引物对41个牡丹样本扩增,共获得的317个条带,其中304个为多态性条带,多态性条带比率为95.41%,平均每个引物扩增条带为11.74;41个样本的遗传相似性系数为0.483—0.811,云南牡丹‘丽江紫5’和‘大关粉4’的遗传相似性系数最大,为0.811;云南牡丹‘大关粉4’和中原牡丹‘彩绘’的遗传相似性系数最小,为0.483;UPGMA聚类结果显示41个样本在阈值为0.625时,聚为四支:第一支由19份样本组成,其中包括5个中原牡丹品种和14个西南牡丹品种,其中,云南牡丹‘丽江紫5’与‘大关粉4’亲缘关系最近,而云南牡丹‘丽江紫5’与中原牡丹‘首案红’的亲缘关系最远,其遗传相似性系数仅为0.609;第二支包括10份样本:有‘乌龙捧盛’、‘豆绿’等5个中原品种和‘四川粉紫’、‘昭通粉’、‘丽江粉1’等5个西南牡丹品种,其中天彭牡丹‘紫金荷2’与‘四川粉紫’的亲缘关系最近,遗传相似性系数最大为0.770;天彭牡丹‘紫金荷2’与中原牡丹‘罗婺现瑞’亲缘关系最远,其遗传相似性系数为0.625;第三支包括11个样本:1个江南品种,8个中原牡丹品种;3个西南牡丹品种。亲缘关系最近的是中原牡丹‘菱花湛露’与‘朱砂垒’,其遗传相似性系数为0.779;亲缘关系最远的是‘朱砂垒’和‘凤丹白’;第四支为黄牡丹单独聚为一支。多数花色相同的供试中原品种表现出近缘关系,红色系的天彭牡丹‘胭脂楼’与紫红色系的中原牡丹品种有着较近的亲缘关系,而供试的紫红色系的天彭牡丹分别紫红色、粉色、紫色和红色的中原品种有近缘关系;云南紫牡丹品种与紫色、紫红色系的中原品种有一定关系,粉牡丹则与紫红、浅红、浅紫红、浅紫色等不同色系的中原牡丹和天彭牡丹都有一定的亲缘关系。天彭牡丹总是先与中原牡丹品种相聚,再与云南牡丹相聚;云南牡丹品种除‘狮山皇冠’、‘香玉板’外,不同产地、株型相似和花色相同的云南牡丹品种间遗传相似性较高,总是先聚为一分支后,才与其他中原品种相聚。【结论】西南牡丹品种栽培起源较复杂,天彭牡丹比云南牡丹与中原牡丹有着较近缘关系,云南牡丹不可能是天彭牡丹直接引种驯化产物,推测云南牡丹品种可能是由几个祖先品种演化的产物,但本地黄牡丹参与起源的可能性较小。

关键词: 西南牡丹品种, 起源, ISSR标记, 亲缘关系

Abstract: 【Objective】 Forty-one tree peony samples consisting of 21 from Xinan group, 18 from Zhongyuan group, 1 from Jiangnan group and 1 wild species were used to detect their genetic diversity and verify their phylogenetic relationship and discuss their genetic backgrounds for the new cultivars breeding. 【Method】Total genomic DNA was extracted from the fresh leaves of tree peony by a modified CTAB method. A total of 27 primers were selected from 60 ISSR universal primers designed by UBC on the basis of the establishment of an optimal ISSR-PCR reaction system. They were used in the PCR amplification to compare the genetic difference among different cultivars. Comparative analysis on DNA fragments amplified by ISSR-PCR technology was made by the relative genetic software. Genetic parameter such as percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB) was calculated by using POPGENE 32. Cluster analysis (UPGMA) and dendrogram based on Nei’s genetic distance were made to construct the relationship between cultivars and cultivars groups by using the Numerical Taxonomy Multivariate Analysis System (NTSYS-pc) ver. 2.1 statistical package.【Result】A total of 317 bands were obtained by amplifying 41 cultivars from 27 primers, among which 304 bands were polymorphic and percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) attained to 95.41%. In average, 11.74 bands were produced by each primer. The genetic similarity coefficients among all the tested 41 samples ranged from 0.483 to 0.811, which ‘Daguanfen 4’ and ‘Lijiangzi 5’ had the highest similarity coefficient with 0.811, otherwise ‘Daguanfen 4’and ‘Caihui’ had the lowest coefficient with 0.483. The 41 cultivars were divided into four branches based on UPGMA cluster at the coefficiency of 0.625. The first branch was composed of 19 samples, which included 5 Zhongyuan peony cultivars and 14 Xinan cultivars, the genetic similarity coefficient of ‘Lijiangzi 5’ and ‘Daguanfen 4’ had the closest phylogenetic relationship, ‘Lijiangzi 5’ and ‘Shouanhong’ had the farthest phylogenetic relationship with a genetic similarity coefficient of 0.609; The second branch included 10 samples in which there were 5 Zhongyuan cultivars and 9 Xinan cultivars. The closest phylogenetic relationship existed between ‘Zijinhe 2’ and ‘Sichuanfenzi’ with a genetic similarity coefficient of 0.770. However, the farthest phylogenetic relationship was between ‘Zijinhe 2’ and ‘Luowuxianrui’,with the minimum genetic similarity coefficient at 0.625; The third branch contained 11 samples: one Jiangnan cultivar, 7 Zhongyuan cultivars and 3 Xinan cultivars. The closest phylogenetic relationship was between ‘Linghuazhanlu’ and ‘Zhushalei’ with the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.779. The farthest genetic relationship was between ‘Zhushalei’ and ‘Fendangbai’. The fourth branch involved only one wild species of Paeonia lutea. The result showed that most of the Zhongyuan cultivars with similar flower color had the closer relationship. ‘Yanzhilou’ belonged to Tianpeng cultivars with red flower had the much more closer genetic relationship with the Zhongyuan cultivars bloomed in dark red flower, while other Tianpeng cultivars with dark red flower had the closer genetic relationship with Zhongyuan cultivars bloomed in purplish red, pink, purple and red. Yunnan cultivar with purple flower had a certain genetic relationship with Zhongyuan cultivars bloomed in purple and purplish red flower. But other pink flower cultivars had some certain genetic relationships with Zhongyuan cultivars in purplish red, light red, light purplish red and light purple flower color. Tianpeng cultivars firstly clustered with Zhongyuan cultivars and then with Yunnan cultivars. While Yunnan cultivars except ‘Shishanhuanguan’ and ‘Xianyuban’ gathered together firstly and then they clustered with Zhongyuan cultivars, which Yunnan cultivars from different places with similar and same flower-color had the closer genetic relationship. 【Conclusion】The origin of Xinan cultivar group is complicated. Tianpeng cultivars have a closer genetic relationship with Zhongyuan group than Yunnan cultivars. However, Yunnan cultivars could not share the common ancestors with Tianpeng cultivars. Yunnan cultivars might be differentiated by several ancestors under different conditions. More evidences were supposed to make certain their origins. Based on the cluster results, it could be inferred that P. lutea is almost involved in the origin of Yunnan cultivars.

Key words: tree peony from Xinan group, origination, ISSR marker, phylogenetic relationship