中国农业科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (18): 3565-3583.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.18.008

• 土壤肥料·节水灌溉·农业生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,中国北京 100081
    2德国撒克森州立农业科学院,D-01683, 德国
    3中国国土勘测规划院,中国北京 100035
    4荷兰世界土壤信息中心,6700 AJ, 荷兰瓦格宁根
    5中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,中国北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-11 接受日期:2022-08-18 出版日期:2022-09-16 发布日期:2022-09-22
  • 作者简介:张维理,Tel:010-82108394;E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Overview of Soil Survey Works in Main Countries of World

WeiLi ZHANG1(),H KOLBE2,RenLian ZHANG1,DingXiang ZHANG3,ZhanGuo BAI4,Jing ZHANG5,HuaDing SHI6   

  1. 1Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
    2ächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Waldheimer Straβe 219, D-01683, Germany
    3China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Beijing 100035, China
    4ISRIC-World Soil Information, P. O. Box 353, 6700 AJ, Wageningen, The Netherlands
    5Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
    6Technical Centre for Soil, Agricultural and Rural Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100012, China
  • Received:2022-07-11 Accepted:2022-08-18 Online:2022-09-16 Published:2022-09-22


自19世纪末100多年以来各国实施的土壤调查可分为四类,分别为土壤分类调查、农田土壤基础地力调查与评价、科学施肥与耕地保育所需农田化学性状采样调查和以土壤环境质量为主题的调查。土壤分类调查是近代各国最早开展,也是在全球最广泛实施的土壤调查,主要目的是弄清成土过程导致的土壤资源类别差异及其分布特征。由于自然条件下成土过程可达数万年,分类调查的主要产出——土壤图和各类土壤典型剖面理化性状表,具有很长的时效性,广泛用于各研究领域。各发达国家在20世纪完成全国性分类调查之后,未再进行新的、全国性的土壤分类调查。中国在全国第二次土壤普查中通过较高密度地面采样完成的大比例尺土壤图和与之匹配的10余万个典型剖面数据表,精度和指标丰富度超过许多发达国家分类调查成果,可供科学界和各行业长久使用。在人均耕地资源紧缺的中欧国家,为满足土地管理部门和农民对更方便、好懂的农田土壤质量指标的需求,20世纪中叶以来,通过高密度地面采样,进行了农田土壤基础地力调查与评价,为每个田块建立了具有官方认证性质的农田土壤百分价指标和基础地力底档。这一调查结果广泛用于土地与农田管理、税收、农业补贴、农田租赁、交易、借贷、保险等行业,成为各行业不可缺少的农田土壤质量百年基础数据。中国人均耕地面积较中欧国家更少,但至今农地管理中土壤质量信息短缺,难以实现耕地数量与质量的合并管理,需要探索与中国经济、社会制度和社会发展相适应的农田基础地力调查、评价方法与运行机制,为每个田块建立精准、可靠、科学、可长期使用的基础地力底档。对施肥推荐及耕地保育所需农田化学性状采样调查的总结显示,发达国家已将该类调查纳入科学施肥和耕地保育技术支撑体系。对于提高农民科学施肥技术水平,构建并保障技术支撑体系运行,比开展全国性农田土壤养分普查更为重要。多年来,中国土壤肥料领域从基础研究到农民田间应用的全链条中,应用技术与农技推广两个环节比较薄弱。中国至今尚未发布适合各地农民田间应用的分区、分类、量化科学施肥与耕地保育技术指标,也缺少能对农民进行针对性指导的智能化手段。在占中国作物总播种面积 23.6%的蔬菜、水果、花卉等经济作物农田上,农民过量施肥情形严重,影响产量和农民经济效益,并导致农业面源污染。弥补技术支撑体系中的短板成为合理施肥和提升耕地质量的关键。20世纪末以来,为了解土壤和环境污染与变化,科学制定控制对策和检验控制效率,各国陆续启动了环境主题的土壤调查。随着3S和大数据技术发展,新的土壤调查普遍采用数字土壤制图方法替代传统人工制图。而准确界定调查目标,全面了解与调查目标相关的研究进展,了解可用的相关基础图件和辅助信息,在此基础上确定地面采样原则、采样密度、采样土层深度、需要采集的其他辅助信息,是未来科学实施各类土壤调查的关键,可收到事半功倍效果。

关键词: 土壤调查, 农田土壤基础地力调查与评价, 土壤化学性状测试, 土壤环境质量, 耕地保护, 土壤采样设计


The reviewing soil surveys and soil investigations in different countries shows that in order to understand the soil resources and soil quality, the soil surveys and investigations carried out by different countries since the end of the 19th century can be divided into four categories, namely: survey for soil classification, investigation and evaluation of farmland fertility, testing of soil chemical properties for fertilizer recommendation and soil investigations related to environmental issues. Among the four categories, soil classification is the earliest and the most widely implemented survey works carried out in the world. Main purpose of the classification survey is to clarify the differences in soil types and their spatial distributions caused by various soil formation processes. Since soil formation processes under natural conditions can reach tens of thousands of years, the main outputs of the classification survey—the soil maps and the records of soil profiles, expressing the physicochemical properties of various soil types, have a long timeliness and are widely used in various research areas. After the completion of nation-wide soil classification surveys in the last century in developed countries, the updated survey was not conducted in these countries. In the second national soil survey in China, large-scale soil maps covering the whole country were completed by relatively higher profile sampling density. The physicochemical properties of 100 000 soil profiles, representing different soil types, were also recorded. Both the map scale and the richness of soil profile data from the survey surpassed the outputs from classification surveys in many developed country. Soil classification data obtained from this survey are valid for a long time to different disciplines and sectors. In order to meet needs for easy-to-understand farmland fertility grades by land management sectors and farmers, investigation and evaluation of farmland fertility have been carried out in Central European countries, where per capita arable land resources have been in shortage. Through high-density profile samplings, soil fertility evaluation for each farmland plot with an independent cadastral code was carried out. An officially certified fertility grades in percentile index and the records of soil profiles were established and archived for each plot. The investigation results have been widely used in farmland management, taxation, agricultural subsidies, farmland leasing, trading, lending, insurance and other sectors, and have become the indispensable and centennial basic information for farmland quality. China's per capita arable land is much less than that of Central European countries, but so far there has been still in shortage of soil fertility data for farmland management. For preservation of arable land resources with high fertility and ensure food safety, it is essential and also urgent to establish precise and reliable fertility archives for each farmland plot in China. Also more efficient investigation and evaluation approaches, which are compatible with China's economic and social condition should be developed. The review of testing soil chemical properties to make fertilizer recommendation shows that such testing has been incorporated into the technical supporting system for best farming management practices in the developed countries. To improve farmers' fertilization techniques, it is more important to establish an efficient technical supporting system and maintain its running, in comparison to nation-wide soil nutrient census of farmland. In the past, there was continuous weakening of applied researches and extension works for fertilization technological chain from basic research to farmers' application. Due to inadequate research works, the technical indexes for fertilization, that should be differentiated to and compatible with the various regional soil and climate conditions and hence easy to be followed by farmers of different regions, have not been issued yet in China. Also the intelligent tools that can reach and provide targeted guidance to farmers were not available. Unbalanced and excessive fertilization was common in vegetable, fruit and other cash crop growing area, which accounted for 23.6% of the total cropping area in China. This resulted in reduction of crop yield and quality as well as benefit of farmers and also leaded to agricultural non-point source pollution. Making up for the shortcomings in the technical supporting system has become the key to improve both crop yield and soil fertility. Since the end of the last century, soil investigations related with environment issues have been carried out in different countries. Main purposes of these investigations are to clarify the status of environmental pollution and changing, to develop control strategy and to check effects of countermeasures. With the quick progresses of GIS-, GPD-, RS- and big data techniques, the traditional mapping approaches have be replaced by digital soil mapping techniques. An exact defining of investigation objectives and a comprehensive reviewing of relevant research progress as well as available auxiliary data are essential for drafting sampling design and achieving investigation tasks finally.

Key words: soil survey, farmland fertility investigation and evaluation, testing soil chemical properties, soil environmental quality, protection of arable land, soil samplings design