中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (20): 4071-4081.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.20.012

• 专题:迁飞性害虫发生与防控 • 上一篇    下一篇


王丽丽1(), 栾炳辉1, 王洪涛1, 王培松1, 高兴祥2(), 刘保友1()   

  1. 1 山东省烟台市农业科学研究院,山东烟台 265500
    2 山东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,济南 250100
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-28 接受日期:2024-06-10 出版日期:2024-10-16 发布日期:2024-10-24
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 王丽丽,。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Population Dynamics and Migration Status of Ostrinia furnacalis Under Searchlight Trap and Ground Light-Trap

WANG LiLi1(), LUAN BingHui1, WANG HongTao1, WANG PeiSong1, GAO XingXiang2(), LIU BaoYou1()   

  1. 1 Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yantai 265500, Shandong
    2 Institute of Plant Protection, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ji’nan 250100
  • Received:2024-04-28 Accepted:2024-06-10 Published:2024-10-16 Online:2024-10-24


【目的】亚洲玉米螟(Ostrinia furnacalis)是我国玉米生产中最具毁灭性的鳞翅目迁飞害虫之一,严重威胁玉米安全生产,比较和评价地面灯和探照灯诱集的玉米螟种群动态和迁飞状态,为玉米螟精准防控技术制定和迁飞监测预警提供科学依据。【方法】2019—2023年连续5年在山东烟台利用地面灯和高空探照灯对玉米螟进行监测,每年4月1日至10月31日逐日检查并统计两种诱虫灯下的玉米螟数量,通过绘制监测曲线分析玉米螟的种群动态;根据每日诱虫量占全年诱虫量的百分比研究分析玉米螟的上灯规律;根据迁飞性昆虫种群数量“突增突减”现象,以及探照灯和地面灯诱虫数量比值,分析玉米螟的迁飞状态。【结果】玉米螟发生数量在年度间和月份间呈差异变化,且探照灯对玉米螟的诱集量高于地面灯,经Pearson相关分析,两种诱虫灯年诱虫总量之间不存在相关性;地面灯和探照灯监测的玉米螟种群动态基本一致,但探照灯诱虫高峰明显,且开始时间早,结束时间晚;地面灯和探照灯下玉米螟上灯规律一致,只有高峰日、一般发生日和不发生日3种类型,且高峰日均以7月中旬为分界点呈现前后两个高峰阶段;迁飞状态分析显示,玉米螟总体上分为两个迁飞过程,5月下旬至6月下旬为第一个迁飞过程,虫量少、历期短,7月下旬至9月中旬为第二个迁飞过程,虫量多、历期长。【结论】地面灯和探照灯下玉米螟种群动态一致,两种灯均可用于监测玉米螟发生动态,但探照灯诱虫数量多、诱虫高峰明显、第一个高峰日早、高峰历期长,在监测玉米螟早期迁飞状态方面更具优势,可及时监控玉米螟发生情况,并做好防控准备;地面灯和探照灯下玉米螟上灯规律一致,其高峰日均分前后两个高峰阶段,且高峰日状态明显,均可用于监测玉米螟上灯规律;玉米螟5月下旬至6月下旬经烟台从南往北迁飞,7月下旬至9月中旬往南回迁,可提前在玉米螟迁飞路径上加强监测预警,并开展精准防控工作控制玉米螟迁飞种群数量。

关键词: 高空探照灯, 地面灯, 亚洲玉米螟, 种群动态, 迁飞状态


【Objective】Ostrinia furnacalis is one of the most destructive migratory Lepidopteran pests, which seriously threatens the safety of maize production in China. The population dynamics and migration status monitored by ground light-trap and searchlight trap were compared and evaluated to provide a scientific basis for migration monitoring and early warning and control of O. furnacalis.【Method】Ground light-trap and searchlight trap were used to monitor the population of O. furnacalis in Yantai, Shandong from 2019 to 2023. Daily collection and statistics were carried out on the number of O. furnacalis from April 1 to October 31 each year. The population dynamics of O. furnacalis were analyzed by drawing monitoring curves. The up-lighting pattern of O. furnacalis was analyzed based on the percentage of daily trapped number to annual trapped number by ground light-trap and searchlight trap. The migration status of O. furnacalis was analyzed based on the phenomenon of “sudden increase and decrease” of migration insect populations and the ratio of the number of insects trapped by searchlight trap and ground light-trap.【Result】The number of O. furnacalis varied in different years and months, and the number trapped by searchlight trap was higher than that of ground light-trap. Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was no correlation between the annual total number of O. furnacalis trapped by ground light-trap and searchlight trap. The population dynamics of O. furnacalis monitored by ground light-trap and searchlight trap were basically consistent, but the peak of O. furnacalis trapped by searchlight trap was obvious, the start time was earlier than that by ground light-trap, and ended later. The up-lighting pattern of O. furnacalis was consistent between ground light-trap and searchlight trap, containing only three types: peak days, general occurrence days and non-occurrence days, and the peak day showed two peak stages with mid-July as the dividing point. O. furnacalis had two migration stages, with a low population and short duration from late May to late June, and a high population and long duration from late July to mid-September.【Conclusion】The population dynamics of O. furnacalis under ground light-trap and searchlight trap are consistent, indicating both methods are reliable for monitoring the dynamics of O. furnacalis. However, searchlight trap has more advantages in monitoring the early migration status of O. furnacalis because of its large number of insects, obvious peak of insects, early first peak appearance and long peak period. Searchlight trap can be used for timely monitoring the occurrence of O. furnacalis to prevent pest. The up-lighting pattern of O. furnacalis trapped by ground light-trap and searchlight trap is consistent with two peaks, so both traps can be used for monitoring. O. furnacalis migrates northward from late May to late June, and southward from late July to mid-September in Yantai. Therefore, monitoring and early warning and prevention can be strengthened in advance in the migration path to govern the migratory population of O. furnacalis.

Key words: searchlight trap, ground light-trap, Ostrinia furnacalis, population dynamics, migration status