买春艳, 刘易科, 刘宏伟, 李洪杰, 杨丽, 吴培培, 周阳, 张宏军
Breeding of the Fusarium Head Blight (FHB)-Resistant Wheat Cultivar Lunxuan 20 Using the Dwarf-Male Sterile Wheat Molecular Strategy in the Yellow and Huai River Valley Winter Wheat Region
MAI ChunYan, LIU YiKe, LIU HongWei, LI HongJie, YANG Li, WU PeiPei, ZHOU Yang, ZHANG HongJun
中国农业科学 . 2024, (19): 3719 -3729 .  DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.19.001