中国农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (17): 3469-3481.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.17.012

• 食品科学与工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


路力榕(), 姚晓琳(), 李丹, 韦湘滢, 岳娟, 伊高阳   

  1. 陕西科技大学食品科学与工程学院,西安 710021
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-08 接受日期:2024-06-24 出版日期:2024-09-01 发布日期:2024-09-04
  • 通信作者:
  • 联系方式: 路力榕,Tel:15117296059;。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(32272475); 国家自然科学基金(32302276); 陕西省科技厅“杰出青年基金”项目(2023-JC-QN-0198); 陕西省教育厅服务地方项目(22JC013)

Research Progress on Adsorption Properties of Solid Particles with Different Morphologies at the Interface of Pickering Emulsions

LU LiRong(), YAO XiaoLin(), LI Dan, WEI XiangYing, YUE Juan, YI GaoYang   

  1. College of Food Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021
  • Received:2024-04-08 Accepted:2024-06-24 Published:2024-09-01 Online:2024-09-04



关键词: 固体颗粒, 不同形貌, Pickering乳液, 界面吸附特性, 食品领域


Pickering emulsions represent a novel type of emulsion that employs solid particles as stabilizers. Solid particles can be tightly arranged at the oil-water interface by irreversible adsorption to form a monolayer or multilayer film, providing a spatial physical barrier for droplets. Compared with traditional emulsions, Pickering emulsions have attracted wide attention due to their advantages of high stability, low toxicity and low cost. The stability of Pickering emulsion is affected by many factors, such as solid particle properties, concentration, pH and preparation method, etc. Among them, the morphology of solid particles is one of the important factors that determines the interface adsorption behavior and the stabilization ability of emulsion. The different morphology of the solid particles leads to different ways of stabilizing the emulsion at the oil-water interface, mainly includes electrostatic interaction, capillary force, and mutual entanglement to form three-dimensional network structure. However, there is currently no systematic summary on the effects of solid particles with different morphologies on the interfacial adsorption characteristics of Pickering emulsions. Based on this, this review summarized the types of solid particles with different morphologies used to stabilize Pickering emulsions at home and abroad in recent years, including spherical, rod-like, thread-like, flaky, cubic, nanotube, dumbbell, ellipsoid and disc-like, etc. It focused on their interfacial adsorption properties for stabilizing Pickering emulsions, such as adsorption activity, arrangement and assembly behavior, inter-particle interactions and emulsion viscosity, etc. Based on the special interfacial adsorption properties of Pickering emulsions, the applications of Pickering emulsions in food fields such as active component encapsulation and delivery, lipid substitution, interfacial catalysis, antimicrobial and so on were reviewed. Furthermore, the study discussed the problems in the study of Pickering emulsions stabilized by non-spherical solid particles, and analyzed the development potential for active component encapsulation and delivery. The review provided the reference for the in-depth research and application of Pickering emulsions stabilized by solid particles with different morphologies.

Key words: solid particles, different morphologies, Pickering emulsions, interfacial adsorption properties, food field