A Review on Longevity Trait in Dairy Cattle Breeding
ZHANG HaiLiang(),LIU AoXing,MI SiYuan,LI Xiang,LUO HanPeng,YAN XinYi,WANG YaChun()

图1. 长寿性状与体型性状的遗传相关范围
各体型性状均为奶牛线性体型鉴定性状;以存活状态定义的长寿性状统一转换为存活率(将存活定义为1),其估计育种值的有利方向与以时间长度定义的长寿性状一致;图中“ ”“ ”“ ”分别表示绘图参考的遗传相关研究数目<5条、5—10条、>10条;遗传相关数值的参考文献略

Fig. 1. Genetic correlations between longevity and type traits
All confirmation traits are linear type traits of dairy cattle. The longevity traits defined as the survival status are uniformly converted into the survival rate (the survival is defined as 1), and the favorable direction of its EBV is consistent with the longevity traits defined as the life length. In figure 1, “ ” “ ” “ ” represent that the number of literature related to current trait was less than 5, 5 to 10, or more than 10, respectively. The literature related to this figure is not listed in references