
Classification Criteria and Storage Characteristics of Actinidia Arguta Fruits with Different Maturities
GAO Xue,ZHANG Yin,XIN Guang,ZHANG Bo,MU JingJing,LI YiMeng,LIU ChangJiang,SUN XiaoRong,LI Bin
表9 不同采收期软枣猕猴桃1.5℃下贮藏果实可滴定酸含量的影响
Table 9 Effects of Actinidia arguta fruit titratable acid harvested on different harvest dates during 1.5℃ storage
Harvesting stage
可滴定酸含量Titratable acid (%)
0 d 14 d 28 d 42 d 56 d 70 d
0.25±0.01a 0.38±0.02e 0.44±0.02f 0.37±0.01c 0.31±0.02b 0.26±0.01a
0.44±0.01d 0.45±0.02e 0.43±0.00c 0.40±0.02c 0.28±0.01b 0.25±0.00a
0.46±0.01e 0.48±0.01f 0.41±0.01d 0.32±0.01c 0.29±0.02a 0.21±0.01b