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  1. 1四川农业大学农学院/西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室/农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室,四川温江 611130;2成都农业科技职业技术学院,四川温江 611130
  • 发布日期:2023-05-22

Investigation on outcrossing Seed-Setting characteristics of Machine-Transplanted hybrid rice seed production

HUANG BangChao1, TAO YouFeng1, QIN Qin1,2, LI Hui1, ZHOU ZhongLin1, GUO JinYue1, DENG TianTian1, LEI XiaoLong1, SUN BoTeng1, ZHOU GaoZi1, JIA YuanLi1, REN WanJun1 #br#   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploration and Utilization in Southwest China/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming Systems in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Wenjiang 611130, Sichuan; 2 Chengdu Agricultural College, Wenjiang 611130, Sichuan
  • Online:2023-05-22

摘要: 【目的】明确机插制种不育系的穗部结实特性,探究机插制种模式杂交水稻种子产量较低的原因,提高杂交水稻机插制种异交结实率及产量提供理论依据。【方法】选用雅恢2115×宜香1A、成恢727×蜀21A为材料,于2020—2021年在崇州开展大田试验,设置机插和人工移栽2种方式;抽穗开花时通过调查恢复系和不育系的抽穗情况来判断花遇状态,成熟期考察不育系穗部结实情况,统计分析2种栽插方式下不育系各行、各穗位及不同枝梗结实特性。【结果】(1以人工移栽花期相遇设置播栽期情况下,2个组合机插恢复系和不育系花期偏移分别为34 d68 d,花遇指数介于33.33%55.56%,花遇程度较差;人工移栽恢复系和不育系花期完全重合,花遇指数100%。(2)不同栽插方式整体结实率表现为机插<人工移栽,与人工移栽相比,机插结实率降低33.45%。(3)不育系第16行穗部结实率呈逐渐降低趋势,同行不育系花期相遇程度高的处理结实率更高。(4)不育系穗上部授粉姿态好,叶片和穗对花粉的遮挡作用小;正常授粉条件下,不育系穗位结实率均表现为上部中部下部,而空粒率则为下部中部>上部,且各穗位间差异极显著。5不同栽插方式下,不育系一次枝梗结实率均显著高于二次枝梗,机插处理降低了不育系一、二次枝梗结实率。机插处理不育系一、二次枝梗黑粉病籽粒无显著差异,人工移栽处理二次枝梗黑粉病籽粒显著高于一次枝梗。62个组合机插处理连续2年亲本花遇程度均较差,制种实际产量表现为机插<人工移栽,2年分别降低39.34%与41.48%。【结论】不育系较恢复系花期偏移长34 d,导致花遇状态差是机插制种结实低于人工移栽的第一要素,而远离恢复系的不育系和穗中下部的结实率低是机插整体结实率低的主要原因,秕粒与病粒对结实率和产量的影响相对较小。不育系穗部结实特性不仅影响制种产量,同时能指导花期调节。通过安排机插亲本盛花期相遇的播差期提高亲本花遇程度、规范赶粉操作提高授粉效果、加强田间管理减少秕粒和病粒的发生来调节结实率进而提高产量。

关键词: 杂交稻, 机械化制种, 不育系, 花期, 结实率, 产量

Abstract: 【ObjectiveThe objective of this research is to clarify the panicle seeding characteristics of sterile lines in machine-transplanted seed production and explore the reasons for the lower seed yield of hybrid rice in mechanized seed production mode. MethodTwo combinations of Chenghui 727×Shu 21A and Yahui 2115×Yixiang 1A were selected as the materials, and the field experiment was conducted in Chongzhou from 2020 to 2021. Two methods of machine and hand-transplanted were utilized. During the heading to flowering stage, the state of flower synchronization was judged by the heading condition of restorer line and sterile line, and panicle seeding condition of sterile line was investigated at maturity stage. Statistical analysis of seeding characteristics of sterile line in different rows, panicle positions and different branches under two transplanting methods.Result(1) Under the condition of flower synchronization, the hand-transplanted restorer line and sterile line had a complete coincidence of flowering period with a flower synchronization index of 100%. On the other hand, the machine-transplanted restorer lines and sterile line had a flowering deviation of 3-4 days and 6-8 days, respectively, resulting in poor flower synchronization with a flower synchronization index of 33.33%-55.56%. (2) The overall setting rate was lower in the machine-transplanted group compared to the hand-transplanted group, with a 33.45% reduction in the setting rate of machine-transplanted. (3) The setting rate of panicles in rows 1-6 of sterile line showed a gradual decrease trend, and a higher setting rate was observed in the flower synchronization treatment in the same line. (4) The upper part panicles of the sterile line had a good pollination posture with a small shielding effect on the pollen. Under normal pollination conditions, the panicle setting rate of sterile line was significantly shown as upper> middle > lower part, while the empty grain rate was lower> middle > upper part. (5) The setting rate of primary branches of sterile line was significantly higher than that of secondary branches under different transplanting methods. The machine-transplanted treatment further reduced the setting rate of primary and secondary branches of sterile line. The primary and secondary branch ustilagomaydis grains of sterile line showed no significant difference under the machine-transplanted treatment, whereas the secondary branch ustilagomaydis grains were significantly higher than the primary branches under the hand-transplanted treatment. (6) The flower synchronization of the restorer line and sterile line was poor under the machine-transplanted treatment, resulting in lower actual seed production yield than the hand-transplanted group. The seed production yield decreased by 39.34% and 41.48% in two years.【Conclusion】The flowering deviation of the sterile line was found to be 3-4 days longer than that of the restorer line, which resulted in poor flower synchronization. This is the primary reason for the lower setting rate of machine-transplanted compared to hand-transplanted. Additionally, the low setting rate of sterile line in the middle and lower parts of the panicle, as well as those further away from the restorer line, further contributes to the low overall setting rate in machine-transplanted. However, the effects of blighted and infected grains on the setting rate and yield were found to be relatively small. To improve the setting rate of hybrid rice in machine-transplanted seed production mode, we suggest the following measures. Arrange the sowing of machine-transplanted parents at different intervals during the full flowering stage to improve the degree of flower synchronization. Standardize the pollination operation to improve the effectiveness of pollination. Strengthen field management to reduce the occurrence of blighted and infected grains. By implementing these measures, we can improve the yield of hybrid rice in machine-transplanted seed production mode.

Key words: hybrid rice, mechanized seed production, sterile line, flowering, seed setting rate, yield